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Anne walked into class feeling bittersweet. On one hand, she REALLY disliked Hunter. On the other hand, Julie was just super sweet as always and her hug was wonderful.

As she walked to her desk she said hi to May as she sat down.

"What's wrong?" Asked May

"Why do you ask?"

"You're usually happy during this time of day."

"I've always been like this." Said, Anne

"No you WERE always like this but I dunno these last few weeks you've been happier."

"May- it's Julie." Said, Anne

"What?" May's face turned into a confused look. "What do you mean? What did she do?"

"Nothing- she's amazing. I've been talking to her and getting to know her and she has been nothing but super sweet and considerate-." Anne stopped herself before going on a rampage.

May looked at Anne and let out a big sigh

"Look I'm not here to tell you who you should and shouldn't be friends with so it doesn't matter what I think as long as you're happy and Julie doesn't do anything mean to you then I'm happy." May smiled at Anne

" I will say this now that your friends with Julie you'll be around that jerk a lot more so just be careful."

Anne looked at May.

"I will, thanks for looking out for me..."

"Of course, you're my best friend." May rested her head on Anne's shoulder.

It was her way of hugging. May didn't like much contact so it was her little way of saying she cared.

After school, she headed straight home. She wanted to have as much time as possible to clean her room. She rushed to pick up her clothes and tidy up her bed. As soon as she got it clean enough she heard her doorbell ring.

"ANNE YOUR FRIEND IS HERE!" Her mom yelled from downstairs.

She rushed downstairs and there she was Julie in a pretty sage green dress. Along with her school bag.

"Hello Julie"

"Hi Anne"

They both went upstairs to her room.

"Wow, your room is pretty cool!" Julie said

"Oh it's nothing much really haha"

Julie pulled out her books and Anne was looking for her notes and laptop.

"Okay time to get to work!" Julie said

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