Chocolate milk

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Anne could feel her face getting hot. She didn't even know how to respond. Julie looked embarrassed as well.

"I um- thanks," Anne said quickly.

Just like that the bell rang. Lunch was already over. They both got up and said a quick goodbye. And went their separate ways.

Anne couldn't stop thinking about what Julie said "I think you're cool" what did she mean by that? Was she just making fun of her or was she genuinely saying it? She went through her last class just thinking about it.

When class ended she headed straight to her locker to get her things. She wanted to just go home. As she was walking out she felt her shirt being splashed with something

"Whoops sorry, Anne," Hunter said.

She was covered in chocolate milk from the cafeteria.

She looked over to see Hunter's friends laughing.

She could feel everyone's eyes on her like everyone was just judging her. She ran to the bathroom to wash up.

She could feel herself getting emotional.

This day had just been so draining she felt completely overwhelmed. She tried to calm herself down before going home. As she was heading out of the bathroom she saw Julie and Hunter in the halls kissing.

She felt something deep inside her boil. She just walked straight past them. She didn't care if they saw her or not; she just wanted to get out of there.

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