The not-so-loner

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She went through the day like that. Full of anxiety and sadness. She didn't even respond to Julie; she couldn't take it anymore. The day went by surprisingly fast as soon as the bell rang she bolted straight out of the classroom.

To her surprise, Hunter was right at the end of the hallway.

"WHAT'S UP ANNE THE LONER" he yelled for everyone to hear. "Damn, it seems like you are just always alone! Don't you have friends or something?!"

She started to hear whispers and giggles which pissed her off to no end. Anne had never stood up for herself; she believed that if she didn't give them what they wanted they would go away. But today? Yeah, today wasn't her day. In fact, at that very moment, all the blame was on him.

She quickly pushed him into the wall hard enough for everyone to hear.


Everything fell quiet. You could feel everyone in the room but yet it was all silent. It also seems like it shocked Hunter because he was struck like a deer in headlights.


Anne quickly turned around to see Julie standing right there. She froze for a second. It seems like Julie did too. Anne didn't want to wait for another second; she stormed out of the building as quickly as she could. There was a part of her thought that Julie would follow her but she didn't.

The whole walk home felt empty. She didn't feel anything. It was all blank.

She was okay with this she didn't want to feel anything. She wanted all of this to go away. She got home relatively quickly. She greeted her mom as usual and headed to her room. She put down her backpack and sat on her bed.

There she was, she was just sitting, not scrolling through her phone or anything just plain sitting. She didn't feel sad or anything, she just felt empty.

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