The end? (Part one)

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"Julie, wait!" Anne quickly started going after her.

She started going in the direction that the crowd was going in the way she stumbled across Charlie.

"Charlie! Have you seen Julie?" Anne asked frantically.

"Yeah, she went over to the bathroom...?" Charlie was confused by Anne's demeanor.

"Ah thank you, Charlie!" Anne headed to the bathrooms.

"Julie?!" Anne shouted.

"Go away!" Said Julie in a stall.

"Julie please I'm sorry can we talk?"

"Talk about what?

"Look Julie I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me I know what I said was messed up"

Julie interrupted Anne before she could say anything else.

"That doesn't matter! You said it must have come from somewhere right? Somewhere deep inside of you, you're embarrassed by us being're embarrassed by me."

Anne could feel the deep pain in Julie's voice. She was unsure of what to say next, so she just decided to speak from the heart.

"Julie, I'm not embarrassed by you. I like you a lot. You are an amazing person but I am scared. We aren't like other couples. We can't show our love to everyone because not everyone will understand, maybe even those close to us."

Anne herself was surprised that those words came out of her mouth.

There was no other way to put it, it was exactly how she felt. Now she just needed to wait to see what Julie thought.

"Anne...I'm scared too. I know that people won't accept us but I thought maybe we could start slowly if you're not comfortable with that I understand we could try again later on in our relationship." Julie said not crying anymore.

Anne felt relieved that Julie understood her. It was as if a huge weight that she was silently carrying disappeared.

"But-" Julie said.

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