The Park (part one)

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"BASE!" Charlie yells, touching the gate of the school.

May soon follow and stops next to Charlie.

"I thought we were running to the park?" May asks.

"Oh no, I was joking I'm too lazy for that!" Charlie laughs.

"Haha, I figured..."

In the distance, you could see Anne pacing toward them.

"Oh there she goes," Charlie says.

"You guys suck!" Anne yells.

"We are taking a break, we are going to run all the way there!" May yells back.

Charlie and May look at each other and giggle.

"You're terrible." Charlie jokes.

"I know"

"Okay! Can we please walk there!" Anne said, panting.

"Okay!" Charlie said.


"Do you need a break?" May said giggling.

"No, I'm good!"

"C'mon let's get going then"

The walk was pretty short. They honestly could have run there with no problem but it was nice taking in all of the precious nature.

Once they got there they sat down and started eating the snack they brought.

"Okay, now that we are all comfy can you please tell me the story?" Charlie said with big puppy eyes.

"Haha okay okay, I will."

Anne began to tell them everything from the start. The way they began talking and hanging out together to her finding out she liked Julie.

Then she told them about their recent conversation and how new things were brought to light.

"Wait so this whole time she had feelings for you too?!" Charlie said.

"I guess so..." Anne said shyly.

"Does that mean you're dating?" May asked.

Anne stayed silent and thought for a minute.

"I guess it does-"

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