The end. (Part two)

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"But?" Anne repeated.

"I don't appreciate how you handled it. I hated the way you yelled at me, I have feelings too y'know?"

Anne felt immediate guilt.

"Julie I am so sorry I know it was wrong of me to yell at you. I promise that it won't happen again. I'll express how I feel without yelling."

Julie opened the stall that she was in.

Her eyes were red and puffy and her cheeks were slightly pink and glowy.

Anne had never met anyone who can have a good crying face like Julie Jones.

"You promise?..." Julie said quietly.

"I promise."

Julie went in for a hug and Anne hugged her back with a hundred times more love.

Anne doesn't know what came over her but it felt so natural to just look deep into Julie's eyes and pull her into a kiss.

And that's exactly what she did.

Their kiss was sweet and gentle.

Julie's lips were soft; it felt as if she was kissing a glazed donut.

When they pulled back from each other from what seemed to be an eternity of sweetness, they didn't say anything.

It felt natural to just stare at each other for a brief moment and hug.
(A few months later)

"You know what I just realized!" May said

"What did you realize?" Anne said in a curious tone.

"It's funny how you stole your bully's girlfriend"

Anne turned to look at May who was silently giggling to herself.

"You know what that is funny"

"What did you realize?" Anne said in a curious tone.

"It's funny how you stole your bully's girlfriend"

Anne turned to look at May who was silently giggling to herself.

"You know what that is funny"

They both laughed for a brief second before Anne felt soft hands on her shoulder.

Anne turned around and held Julie close to her before kissing her on the cheek.

"Good morning lovely," Anne said to her.

"Good morning!" Julie said to her before turning to May. "Morning May! What were y'all talking about?"

"Okay, so I was just telling Anne that it was so funny because she stole her bully's girlfriend!"

"Wait, that's hilarious!" Julie laughed for a bit.

"I know!" May said.

The bell rang and Anne quickly turned to May.

"May you tell Charlie if they are still down to hang out in the park?"

"Yep, I will do!" May waved before heading to the crowd of people.

They started walking to their class. Anne for the first time in months realized she had everything she could ever dream of.

She felt more comfortable sharing her feelings, she even tried to speak to a therapist about some unresolved trauma.

Her friends were amazing as ever more people knew her because of Julie so she met a lot of new people.

Of course, she was in a relationship with the most amazing person ever, not in a million dreams could she ever think she'd be in a relationship with one of the most popular girls in school but there she was hand in hand with Julie Jones.

They walked into class and quickly greeted Mr.Ortiz.

They both sat down and put down their stuff. Julie rested her face on the table and Anne couldn't help but stare.

"What are you staring at?" Julie laughed.

"Nothing" Anne gently touched Julie's face.

Anne went into her bag and pulled a stick of gum out.

"Do you want some?"

"C'mon lovely let's get you to class" May held Julie's hand and started walking to Julie's class.

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