The Bestfriend

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"Julie Jones?!"

"Yes, May I know-"

May was Anne's closest friend. They had met earlier this year but strangely they had been closer than any other friend Anne has had. They told each other everything she trusted May with her deepest darkest secrets.

"I don't know, I guess she's not that bad???" Anne shrugged and gave May a puzzled look.

"You've gone mad." May facepalm.

"I'm not crazy I don't think so at least I dunno!!! I just know I talked to her today like an actual conversation and it wasn't bad."

"C'mon Anne, she's dating like the biggest jerk in history." She gave Anne a pouty look.

"I know but maybe she's different?"

"Hmm, I dunno..."

When lunch came around Anne sat in her usual spot by the door. She ate lunch alone. May didn't have this lunch and she wasn't close to anyone else enough to sit with them.

As she took a bite of her sandwich she heard a lunch tray in front of her. It was Julie.

"Hi..." she said shyly as she sat down.

"Hi, Julie."

"Um, mind if I sit here?"

"I mean you're already sat," Anne said

"Yeah you're right" Julie gave a quick giggle. "So whatcha eating?"

"It's a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, my mom always packs these for me," Anne said

"Must be nice if I want lunch then I have to pack it myself" Julie said as she pointed to her cafeteria food.

"Haha aw man that sucks maybe I'll have to ask my mom to pack you a sandwich too." Anne joked

"Haha yeah."

"So why sit here?" Anne asked

"Well my friends were being way too loud and I figured I'd sit here instead."

"Oh yeah, your friends can get pretty loud." Anne instantly regretted saying that.

"Well, they're not my 'friends' they're more like Hunter's friends that I hang out with sometimes I guess."

"Oh- well I didn't know that." Anne took a bite of her sandwich.

There was a quick awkward silence that fell between them.

"So what about you?" Julie rested her head in her hand


"What about your friends?" Julie asked

"I only have one friend, she's pretty cool. I don't have many friends I guess I'm not cool enough-"

"I think you're cool." Julie accidentally interrupted.

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