Season 2: Chapter 8

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"Why are you so nervous?" Kaede asked as he watched you pace back and forth in the kitchen, a glass of wine in your hand. "Nervous? I'm not nervous. What gave you that idea?" You asked as you continued your pace from the counter to the door once again, taking a sip of wine at the same time. Kaede raised himself up from his seat at the table and walked up to you. You stopped dead in your tracks as he positioned himself in front of you. He gently grabbed your glass of wine, pulling it away from you. "If Mikey coming here is going to make you act like this, I don't think it's a good idea for you to have him over. " Kaede said as he placed the glass on the counter. "It's not Mikey, Kaede." You huffed. He gave you the "dont lie to me" look. You rolled your eyes and sighed. "I can't help it. He still makes me nervous.......even after all these years." You said, fighting the urge to take up your pace again.

 "This is why I didn't want you getting into business with him. You're getting all worked up and then something is going to end up happening." He sighed at you as he ran a hand through his long black hair. "It's still just business Kaede. I don't want anything from him other than that. I don't think I could ever go back to the way things used to be. " You said to him. You weren't lying that time. as much as you had cared for Mikey back then you were unsure if you could ever feel that way again. After the pain and stress he had put you through then, you were unsure of anyone making you feel that way again.  "Look, why don't you go ahead and go to your study, get things set up and ready to go, get yourself calmed down and together and when he gets here I will bring him to you." Kaede offered. "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. Thanks Kaede." You thanked him as you took his advice and headed for the study. 

Once you had reached your study you quickly began getting stuff together. Preparing for Mikey to arrive at any minute. You could feel your heart beat faster as each minute went by, the anticipation building up. You quickly got what you think you would need together and sat at your desk trying to calm yourself. Deep breath in and deep breath out. Focusing on centering yourself. Just as you got your breathing under control there was a knock at the door, causing you to jump. You frantically scrambled to your feet. "Come in." You managed to choke out.  Kaede opened the door, his wide framed body blocking the door way. "Your guest is here." He said in an almost reluctant tone. He stepped aside to reveal the Slender black haired male that had been racking your brain all morning. "Please come in Mr. Sano." You said. He said not a word as he entered the room. "Would you like me to wait in here or outside?" Kaede asked. "Outside would be just fine Kaede, thank you." You responded as you noted a slight eye roll from him as he closed the door behind him. 

Your attention quickly went back to Mikey who was silently standing in the middle of the room staring at you. You could feel the butterflies creeping back up. "Don't just stand there. Please, have a seat." You said as you motioned at one of the seats in front of your desk. He quietly crossed the floor to one of the chairs before have a seat. You sat down in your own chair. There was an awkward silence that filled the room between the both of you. It was almost uncomfortable. "Uhhh, sooooo..... Where would you like to start? I was thinking of showing you how I have this system set up." You began, trying to stop this silence, start this meeting and get it over with. You picked up your laptop as you ventured around your desk to take a seat next to him so he could get a better look at your screen. You sat down and placed the laptop in your lap and opened it up, the screen illuminating a bright white. 

You began typing a few things in when you felt a hand grab yours. You quickly lifted your head to look at him. You were met by his stare. A piercing stare, almost like he was stairing through you. "I'm not going to lie to you. I didn't come here to hear about your system. You don't need to tell me, I trust you." he finally said, breaking his silence. You were a little shocked as you took in what he had said. "What did you come for then?" You asked, glancing at the door. "I just wanted to talk to you. That's all. Not about work, business nothing like that. Just to talk to you." He began, his hand still on yours. "I...I don't know what to even say." You said, in shock from the situation.  "Then I'l start. First of all, I'm so happy that I get to see you after all of these years. You look great, no amazing. Second, I'm sorry for the way things ended 10 years ago. and third, no this is not a tactic to try and make an advance on you." He chuckled as he spit everything out. You chuckled at him and his eagerness. "Wow....well thank you. You look great yourself, apology accepted and that's good to know." 

"I most sound really frantic right now.' Mikey laughed as he removed his hand from yours and ran it through this hair. "I mean, just a little." You laughed with him. He turned his head to look at you with a soft smile on it. "What?" You asked. "Just good to hear you laugh." He said softly. You felt your heart skip a beat. This wasn't going to be good. He was already getting to you, even after just swearing him off shortly before. Why did he have that effect on you? You and him spent the next hour talking about everything. How things had been going over the past few years. Catching up on things the both of you had missed. It was almost like nothing had happened as the two of you talked, Like picking back up where you had left off.

"So before we get to caught up in personal business again for another hour I wanted to through an idea out to you." You said as you broke the personal conversation the two of you were in. "What's that?" He asked, ready for whatever you had to say. "What do you think about a party? Like a business party for both Toman and White Wolves. Not just our inner circle but everyone. Introduce our people to each other and try to make a good impression." You began to explain. "I'm okay with that. Formal, semi-formal, informal?" He asked, down for the idea. "Hmmmm.... formal. I think seeing everyone in suits would be a nice change." You said, glad he agreed on the idea. "Even you?" He laughed. "Maybe. I wouldn't want to outshine you though so I might not."You laughed. "You do that no matter what you do." He said. You smiled at him, he had to stop doing that to you. Making you feel those butterflies again. 

"Well, I hate to do this but I have some prior obligations that I have to attend. So I am going to have to end this meeting here." You said, almost sad for this to end. "Yeah, busy lady." Mikey said as he stood up. "of course." You said as you stood up as well. "Kaede!" You called. Within seconds the door opened. Kaede quickly stepped in to the room. " Yes?" He asked. "We are done here. Could you please show Mr. Sano out?" You asked as you motioned to Mikey. "Of course." Kaede said as he waited for Mikey to meet him at the door. "It was good to see you Mr. Sano." You said, putting on your best behavior for Kaede. "Same to you Ms. L/N." Mikey said as he gave you a smile and headed toward Kaede. You could already see the glare that Kaede was giving Mikey. You knew you would be getting an earful from him later. 


When I tell you I had to write this on the fly...I'm not playing. I am so sorry its late. I had to squeeze this in though. Hope everyone has a good weekend. 

What goes around.....(Mikey x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang