Season 2: Chapter 4

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4 pm:

The invitation to Y/N's party had been extended to Mikey and his inner circle just as she had asked. Mikey was a bit reluctant to accept but deep down he wanted to see Y/N again. Seeing her for the first time in 10 years stirred something up in him and the urge to see her again couldn't go on ignored. As the car brought them back to Kanagawa beach Mikey could feel himself becoming nervous. He wasn't one to normally get nervous at all but knowing that she would be there felt different. "You gonna be okay?" Draken asked, snapping Mikey out of his daze. "Ye-yeah. I'm good." He said, a little shaken up from being startled from his daydreams. He could feel his stomach begin to drop as the beach house came into view through the window. It was a gorgeous home, she deserved it. She deserved everything that made her happy. Everything he felt he could never give her.

The car came to a stop and the boys began to exit. They were greeted once again by Ms. Kimura. "Good afternoon Ms. Kimura." They said in unison as they bowed to her. "Good afternoon to you as well gentlemen. Ms. L/N Is around back with the other guests. Please follow me." The little lady said as she began ushering them through the home. A crowd of people could be seen through the glass windows outback and music could be heard as well. She opened the doors to reveal a crowd of men and women scattered around the pool and patio area all in bathing suits. "Ummm did you get the memo that this was a pool party." Chifuyu asked, gesturing to their fully dressed attire. Mikey shook his head as he glanced around for one person in particular.

"Hey boys!!" They heard from behind them. They turned around to find Y/N standing behind them in a black swimsuit.

 They turned around to find Y/N standing behind them in a black swimsuit

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Mikey had to keep his jaw from hitting the floor. She looked like a goddess with her curves. He could feel his face turning hot, as well as his breathing becoming heavy. "Good afternoon Y/N." Mitsuya said, covering for Mikey. "Y'all are definitely overdressed for a pool party. Did you not get the memo?" She asked. "Unfortunately no" Draken replied. Y/N turned her head to look at Kenji who was pretending to stare off in another direction at a non existent object. "Kenji." She said to him. "You just said to send an invite." He chuckled, finding the situation amusing. "I apologize for the lack of communication on HIS behalf. I have extra swimming trunks in the house, just ask Ms. Kimura and she will get you all taken care. Or stay in what you have, the option is totally up to you." She said with a smile, gesturing to the house. The boys followed her direction and went into the home to retrieve swim trunks.

Within a few minutes the boys emerged from the home ready for a pool party. "I'm going to find a drink." Mikey said, walking away from the group to hunt down a bartender or anyone who could supply him with his liquid courage he so desperately needed. "Y'all go have fun, I'll stay with Mikey." Draken said, giving the others a free pass while he played babysitter to his friend. "Mikey do you think it's an okay idea for you to be drinking here?" Draken asked. Mikey was not the lightest of drinkers and it always ended with him shitfaced. "I can't be here and not." He said as one of the ladies carrying drink trays around handed him a drink. "We'll take it easy is all I'm asking." Draken said. Mikey quickly began turning the cup up, catching a glimpse of Y/N across the pool in the process. He stood there for a few minutes staring at her. "You are definitely making it obvious that you are staring." Draken said, breaking Mikey's concentration. "I can't help it Draken. Just look at her. She's always been beautiful but now she's She's amazing." He said, continuing his stare. "I know Mikey but remember we are here for business. Don't go upsetting her. You remember how last time ended."Draken explained. Mikey brought his hand up to his cheek, remembering the smack she laid on him along with the words that pierced his heart on top of seeing her cry. "Yeah, I could never forget." Mikey sighed.

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