Chapter 3

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I hope yall are enjoying it so far! I have alot of stuff planned and its taking everything in me to not binge write it all lol. Im not sure how many chapters will be in this but Should be a decent amount!! Please let me know what you think!! Thanks again for reading!


Outfit for  this chapter!


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"Y/N, are you up?" came Mimi's half asleep voice from behind your bedroom door. 

"Uggggghhhhh" is all you could manage to get out. The sun peeking through your curtains was an indicator that it was indeed morning. 

"Well ugggghhh yourself out of bed. I'm going to go ahead and hop in the shower while you are waking up, then after I'm done you can get in. " Mimi said.

"Right, got to meet Emma for lunch." You muttered to yourself as you rolled over to look at the alarm clock. 10:00 AM the clock read. You and Mimi didn't get home from the club till almost 3 am that morning. You rolled back onto your back, images from the night before running through your head. "I can't believe he was part of The Tokyo Manji gang. What the hell."  you thought as Mikey's face flashed in your mind along with the way he made your body feel out on that dance floor. The rush of ecstasy that ran through your body as he touched you. You replayed it in your head over and over again, his hands traveling from your thighs up to your neck. The way he stared at you when he leaned your head back. No man had ever looked at you like that. The hunger in his eyes as he peered through you. You grinned to yourself, reminiscing in the memory. You laid there a few more minutes before you decided to cut the memory short and start dragging yourself out of the bed

You threw the comforter off you as you sat up and swung your legs over the edge, finally getting in a upright position. Your head was pounding, the result caused by a mixture of a few drinks and and a few hours of sleep. You could hear the shower cut off as Mimi finished her shower. You were definitely going to need one to get going this morning, and a cup of coffee. You got to your feet and walked to the dresser across the room and began rummaging for some clothes for the day. 

"Y/N I/m out! You better be up! Get in here and get your shower so we can get out of here on time!" Mimi yelled as she exited the bathroom and crossed the hall to her bedroom to finish getting dressed. 

"I'm up! I know!" You answered as you made your way to the bathroom. 

You managed to get in and out within 20 mins. After you got done you made your way back to the bedroom to get dressed. The shower had definitely woke you up but your head was still a bit swimmy feeling. You grabbed an aspirin out of your bed side table to help with your headache. You made your bed and decided to join Mimi in the kitchen. You could smell the coffee as soon you exited the bathroom and was looking forward to a cup. 

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