Season 2: Chapter 9

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"Mitsuya!! Thank you for coming!" You smiled as you greeted your friend. "Any time." He said, returning a big smile as well.  You had immediately texted Mitsuya after Mikey had agreed on a formal party for the group meeting. This was the perfect opportunity to have him design you a gorgeous gown for an important occasion. "Come on. Let's head up to my bed room." You said as you grabbed one of his bags. You heard a harsh cough from behind you. There stood Kenji and Kaede with their arms cross, a little irritated about being left out of the situation. "Behave you two. Mitsuya is here to take measurements for my dress. I will be fine without you in the room." You laughed at them. You motioned for Mitsuya to follow you as you climbed the stairs to your room on the upper level. 

"So what are you thinking about?" Mitsuya asked as he opened his bag, removing some measuring tape and a notepad and pen. "Something long, form fitting, maybe strapless." You replied, already having thought about what you wanted. "What about a color?" He asked as he made his way over to you. "Hmmmm, I've been a little indecisive about it actually. I was thinking red then I thought maybe black but I'm not sure." You responded as he motioned for you to put your arms out so he could get proper . "You wan't my opinion?" He interjected as he began measuring your bust. "Of course." You smiled. Any advice Mitsuya gave you on fashion you would take, because he knew what he was talking about. "White." He said calmly as he started recording the measurements on his paper. "White?" You asked with a raised eyebrow. "Yes. You are the leader of The White Wolves after all. It just seems fitting." He said. You were silent for a few seconds while you processed it. White wasn't what you really wanted but he knew his stuff. "Do you trust me?" MItsuya asked, stopping to stare at you. "Yes." You said calmly. "Good. Then the color is white. Just trust me, it's going to look stunning." He said as he continued to take some measurements. 

After about 30 minutes Mitsuya had collected all the information needed to create your custom dress. Having to wait for this dress to be done was going to eat at you every day. The anticipation to see it was going to kill you. Suddenly a ringing began chiming from his bag. He reached for the ringing phone as he placed his items back in their bags. "Hold on Y/N, Draken is facetiming me." He said as he answered the phone. Draken's face popped up on the phone screen. "Where the hell are you at MItsuya? I've been trying to call you." Draken said, sounding irritated. "Sorry, I was getting measurements for Y/N and my phone was in my bag." Mitsuya replied. "Measurements for Y/N? You at here house?" Draken asked, a confused look displayed on his face. "Yeah, I'm making her a gown for that big get together for our groups." He said as he continued getting his bags situated. "And why weren't we invited?" Baji asked, butting into the conversation. "Do you know how to design a gown?" Mitsuya asked. "I'm a man of many talents. If I put my mind to it, I'm sure I can succeed in producing the best mediocre gown out there." Baji said, full of pride. "If you wanted to come over all you had to do was ask." You said, leaning over Mitsuya's shoulder to peer into the phone. "Really?"Baji asked as he stared back at you through the screen. "Yeah." You chuckled. "You being serious?" Draken asked, moving the phone away from Baji. "Yes Draken. Bring the boys and come over. Bring your swim trunks this time." You assured him. "Well, okay. Cool. I'll round everyone up and we will be there shortly." Draken said with a smile on his face. You all said your goodbyes before hanging up. "Now lets finish up getting the final details of this dress discussed before the circus gets here." Mitsuya laughed as he grabbed his notebook and pen. 


"You invited them over?!" Kenji exploded as he followed you to the beach. "Yes Kenji. It's not a big deal." You said calmly. "That means Mikey is going to be coming as well." He said in a hiss. "Probably, and that is perfectly fine." You said. "Fine? For someone who said they were going to keep their distance from him you sure have been inviting him over alot." He huffed. "Kenji. Watch it." You hissed back. You couldn't believe his attitude. "Sorry." He grumbled, clearly not sorry at all. You couldn't be completely mad at him.He was telling the truth after all. Your plan to keep your distance was not holding up, and it was completely your fault. The thought of him showing up any minute made your stomach do backflips, making you feel a tad bit queezy. "Look, Kenji. I'm sorry. I know I haven't been sticking to the game plan, I can admit that. But I need you to chill out about it please. It's hard to keep my distance." You confided, stopping a few feet from where Kaede and Mitsuya were chatting. He sighed as he ran his hands through his blond hair. "I know. I'm not trying to be a dick but you know how I feel about this. I just don't want you getting hurt. You know Kaede and I care about you and just want whats best for you." he said. "I know, thanks for everything Kenji." You responded as you leaned in and gave him a hug. He patted you on the head, "Anytime." He chuckled. 

"Well it's nice to see you two getting along." You said to Mitsuya and Kaede as you approached them with Kenji. "Don't get used to it." Kaede laughed. "HEEEEYYY!! The four of you heard from down the beach. You turned around to see Baji, Chifuyu, Smiley, and Angry running full speed down the beach at you. You waved your hand as they came closer and closer. You could see in the distance behind them two figures following. Had to be Mikey and Draken. You could feel your heart in your throat as you watched the figures come more and more into view.  You knew having him over again would make this attachment you wanted to break so desperately would grow stronger.  But you couldnt help t. 

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