Season 2: Chapter 17 FINALE

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Your head was pounding. The dull ache that filled the back of your head radiated through every part of skull. You slowly tried to open your eyes, managing to open them slightly before forcing them open all the way. Your eyes fluttered for a few seconds as they adjusted to the light. As your vision slowly started to adjust you noticed you couldn't move. You were sat in a chair with your arms tied behind the back of the chair. Panic immediately sat in. You quickly began looking around the room for someone, anyone, but there was no one. "HELP!" you screamed, hoping Kenji or Kaede were back. "HELP!" you continued to scream. "Y/N?" You heard from the door way. It was Kenji. "Oh thank god Kenji. Where were you? Hanma is here in the house. He smacked me in the head with something and tied me up. Help me get out of here." You said as you struggled against the rope around your wrists. Kenji made his way over to you, kneeling in front of you. "Kenji what are you doing? Get this rope off my wrists." You told him. He slowly placed his hands on your knees, looking up at you. "I'm sorry Y/N. I didn't mean for that to happen. I panicked. Please forgive me." He began to apologize. "Kenji what are you talking about?" You asked, confused at what he was doing. What was he apologizing for. "I didn't mean mean to hit you. I didn't even know you were back yet. You kinda took me by surprise"  He began to explain. You just stared at him, confusion displayed across your face. What the hell was he talking about, then it hit you. Kenji was the one standing behind you. 

"Kenji what the hell are you doing? Explain yourself." You demanded as you began struggling again. "I guess I do owe you a little bit of an explanation now that the plan has gone to shit and you're aware now." Kenji began. "Kenji, has this all been you the entire time?" You asked, scared of his answer. "I cant lie to you Y/N, yeah. But hear me out. I didn't want Mikey or Toman anywhere near you. All that group has brought you is heartache and stress from the beginning. When Mikey came back into the picture you have been different. You've been developing a soft spot for him. I had already planned the flag moment but Hanma was an added bonus to be able to blame it on. I expected you to cancel the merger, Mikey to exit the picture and then for us to return to our normal routine. But no, you want to up and leave me. I cant have that. We are supposed to be together till the end. Partners . Ever since Mikey has come in the picture he has messed everything up." he explained. 

"What is wrong with you?" you asked in disbelief.  "What's wrong with me? Noting. Y/N from the day you took me in as one of your right hand men you have showed me nothing but love, kindness and friendship. I remember days that I prayed for someone like you to come into my life and then out of no where, there you were. Your generosity and kindness to others is astounding. You are beautiful inside and out, rare in every way. When I vowed to protect you with my life, I meant it. I would do anything for you. ANYTHING. Mikey caused you heart so much pain for so many years. He doesn't deserve to breath the same air as you, so I did what I needed to do to remove him and the rest of toman for you." He said as he stared up at you, a look in his eyes you had never seen before. "Kenji this is crazy. You're crazy." You said, shocked at what you were hearing. "See, I know you don't understand right now but this is what's best. Once Mikey is gone, everything will be better." He said. "Mikey isn't going to leave!" You yelled at him, becoming angrier. "I have come to realize this. So, you and I are going to take this trip to the island together. It will be great! Sitting on the beach having drinks. Meals on the beach as well. We can take Duke and we can be like a little family." He sighed. You stared at him with wide eyes, your friend was turning to someone you didn't even know in front of your eyes. "A family? Kenji you have betrayed me. I will never trust you again. I'm not going anywhere with you." You spat, apauled by his words. "You say that now because you are mad. You'll come around to the idea." He chuckled, patting you on the leg. 

"Kenji let me out of here now!" You growled at him. "No can do kid. If I do that this move is going to be bumpy. You haven't warmed up to the idea." He said as he stood up, walking over to a dresser against the wall. You watched as he pulled the top drawer open, pulling out a small bottle and rag. He turned around with both in hand, heading toward you. "What are you doing?" You said, pretty sure you knew what that was. "Just something to help you calm down. By the time you wake up we will be on our way. I already arranged a private plane so we dont even have to wait." He said with a smile as he knelled back down in front of you. You begged for him to stop as you leaned your head back as far as you could to avoid the chloroform filled rag he was moving toward your face. 

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