Season 2: Chapter 12

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As the bike approached the building you began to feel sick. This was the last place you would of imagined to ever come back to. Mikey pulled the bike into the parking area and turned it off. You swung your leg over the bike, dismounting it first with Mikey right behind you. "Come on." He said as he motioned for you to follow him. You had no where to run. You had no choice but to follow him. Maybe dipping on Kenji and Kaede wasn't such a great idea. 

As you entered the foyer you could feel your stomach drop even more. There was only one way to get to the penthouse.....the elevator. THE elevator. Oh god. You watched as Mikey pushed the button to signal for the elevator. You watched as each floor lit up as it descended to the foyer. There was a loud ding before the door slowly opened. Mikey turned to look at you as he put a foot inside. "You coming? Or are you going to hang out down here?" he chuckled. You would of loved to stay in the foyer, but that would of been weird. You nodded before walking over to join him.

You stood in the far corner of the elevator once you entered. Distance between you and Mikey was the goal. You watched as he he selected the penthouse floor, the button lighting up a soft yellow.  As you stood in the elevator your mind was filled with flashbacks. You could feel your checks turning red as you kept your eyes on your feet. Memories of the intense encounter you two had shared years ago in that very elevator. You could feel yourself becoming flustered as the scene replayed in your head. 'Stop, you can't be letting your mind slip.' you thought to yourself. The bell dinged as you reached the penthouse floor, snapping you out of your dream state.

 Mikey exited the elevator first with you right behind him. The hallway outside the elevator looked the same, aside from a new corner table and some plants. The mirror that you had checked yourself out in during so many visits still hung on the wall. You once again checked your appearance as you passed by it.  You watched as he approached the door, your nerves getting the best of you as he opened the door. The fact that he had kept everything almost exactly the same astounded you as you entered. The only difference was a few new pieces of furniture. You lingered near the couch as Mikey made his way to the kitchen. Flashbacks came rushing at you again once you realized which couch it was.  You rolled your eyes as you shifted your focus out the tall window. 'Stay focused' You silently told yourself.  You distanced yourself from him once, you could keep doing it, even though you were currently in his penthouse. 

"Do you want anything to drink?" He asked, his voice echoing from the kitchen area. "No thank you." You responded, He emerged from around the corner a few moments later with two glasses in hand. He crossed the floor to you setting a glass down on the small coffee table in front of you. "But I said....." You began, pointing at the glass. "It's just in case you change your mind. Its also wine. Kaede told me you drank only wine now." He said as he sat down next to you on the couch, a glass of what smelled like burbon in hand. "Kaede talked to you?" You asked with a raised brow. When did Kaede speak to him? Actually why would Kaede talk to him? As far as you knew he despised him. Mikey's face became blank as his eyes darted around, almost as if he was searching for an answer. You intensified your stare at him. "Ummmm on the beach the other day. We sorta had a talk." Mikey finally responded. "Excuse me? A talk? About me?" you were getting a little agitated by this conversation suddenly. "No. Well I mean, yes. But it wasn't anything bad.' Mikey began explaining frantically. "And what did he say exactly?" You asked, leaning in to him. "Not much...." He trailed off again avoiding eye contact. "Manjiro, don't lie to me." You said. He sighed under his breath. "He was just telling me about what had happened during the past few years. Just small talk." Mikey explained to you. "I fail to see how my life is small talk, Especially when it's not me telling it. " You huffed. Being open about your life was not something you did with anyone. You kept your circle small and that's how you like it. Of course Kaede didn't mean this in any negative way but it was not his place to tell Mikey anything. 

"Look, I'm sorry. I promise that I wont ever bring anything up. I'll take it to my grave." Mikey said. You side eyed him. "Even Draken?" You asked. "Cross my heart." he said as he placed his right hand over his heart. You reached for the glass of wine that was still sitting on the table in front of you, lifting it to your lips to take a sip. "I'll hold you to it Sano." you responded. You both chuckled as you sipped your drinks. "I'm surprised they haven't been blowing your phone up." He said as he leaned back on the couch. "Well I ditched it in the bag that had the security tag in it so they couldn't track it." You replied, quite proud of your little plan you had come up at the drop of a hat like that. "Look at you. You really thought of everything." He said as he laughed, amused by the situation. "I needed some time away from those two for a little so I did what I needed to." You replied as you leaned back on the couch as well. "I couldn't live like that. I cant imagine how you do it." He said as he stared at you. " I don't plan on living like this forever. I give it another year and I'm out of here." You admitted while you took another sip. "Out of here?" He asked with a furrowed brow. You sat up, placing your glass back on the table. "There is this little island near Greece that I actually own. I've been sitting on it for about a year now. It has a beautiful home on it and its secluded away from everyone. One day I plan on just up and going." You began to explain daydreaming about the beautiful home awaiting you. "Alone?" Mike asked, his face showing concern. "Alone. I wan't every one to continue to live their lives and be happy here. I'll be fine. Being alone is easy for me." You said to him. You could tell he didn't like that answer. "I don't think you really mean that. You might say it but no one likes to be alone. Everyone needs someone. You spend our whole life searching for someone regardless on if we admit it or not. We search for that one person we cant be without." Mike said as he joined you at the edge of the couch now. 

The way he looked at you was as if he was staring into your soul. Searching your eyes for any bit of the past. The feelings that the two of you once shared. You could feel yourself being lost in them as you did so many times back then. The space between the two of slowly lessened as the pull the two of you had on each other brought you closer and closer till you were a breath apart. You braced yourself for the impact of your lips colliding, but instead you heard a soft sigh escape his lips as he broke eye contact from you. "You should probably get back soon. I know those two are going to tear this city apart if they don't know you're safe." he said. You were shocked. This  wasn't the Mikey from 10 years ago. He would of taken the moment to devour you, but this Mikey controlled himself. Held back. You were in shock to the point that you forgot to respond for a few moments. "Uhhh... yeah....yeah you're right. Mind if I use one of your cars to catch a ride home?" You asked as the two of you moved apart. "No, I'll be taking you home." He said as he stood up from the couch, stretching. "You do know that if they see you with me they will tear you to shreds." You said. "You underestimate who I am. I don't have the cred I do for no reason. I let your body guards think they have some sort of power of me out of respect to you. But I could take them down within a blink of an eye." He smiled a devilish smile as he picked up your glass along with his and walked them into the kitchen.  You knew this ride home was going to be interesting for sure. 


We are in the final chapters!!! 3 or 4 more chapters!!! Thank you all for the patience on the chapters. Life has been super busy lately!

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