Chapter 2

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"Nice to meet you Y/n, I'm Mikey."

"It's nice to meet you Mikey." smiling as you offered a hand out to Mikey. He smiled as he slid his hand around your and gave it soft shake.

"Hi, I'm Mimi!!" Mimi had thrown her hand out fast between the two to receive her hello from Mikey as well.

"Hello to you too Mimi" Mikey chuckled at her enthusiasm. "Let me introduce you to my group. MEN! introduce yourselves to Mimi and Y/N." His voice possessed such a commanding presence to it that made you want to do whatever he said. The men didn't even skip a beat after Mikey's command was given. The began sounding off as if they were in the military

"Chifuyu", "Baji", "Pah", "Peh", "Mitsuya", "Angry", "Smiley", "Takemitchi", "Draken".

"You girls want a drink?" Draken asked as he took a seat next to Mimi, sipping from a bottle of beer.

"Yes please! Another beer if you wouldn't mind." Mimi said as she finished off what was left in her bottle and placed it on the table in front of them,

"Anything for you Y/N?" He asked you.

"Jack and coke please." You smiled as you held up your empty glass, swirling the ice inside. Draken gave you a thumbs up as he motioned for the server to come over.

Mikey reached over and gently took the class from your hand and placed in on the table in front of you. "Thank you." You smiled at him.

"No sense in holding an empty drink right?" He said, full attention on you. His stare was so intense it made you feel like your words were caught in your throat every time you tried to speak. "So what brings you out to WOMB tonight?" he asked.

"Hard week at college so we decided a night out was needed. Mimi has been dying to bring me here." Finally a full sentence you thought as you responded.

"College girls! I love me a girl with brains." a voice slurred out form behind the couch. The man that announced himself as Baji was leaning over the back of the couch inches from your face. His long black hair cascaded around his face as he grinned at you.

"Baji." Mikey said in a stern voice. Baji jerked his head to meet his gaze. Mikey's face was not ammused, it almost menacing as he addressed his friend.

"Sorry about that, he's had too much to drink. I'm going to go ahead and take him home" Chifuyu said as he grabbed his friend and began leading him away from the couch. Mikey continued to cast his stern gaze on him as was carried further from the couch. Once he was out of the VIP area Mikey's attention snapped back to you, instantly softening to the intense & intrigued look as before. His attention fully on you once more.

"So, college? Sounds exhausting. What are you studying?" he asked

"Accouting and buisness." You wanted to follow in your mother's footsteps and one day even own a buisness with her.

"Oh wow, we might have to hire you one day, always handy to have someone in those fields handy." Mikey chuckled

The server returned with a tray full of drinks for the section. All the men rushed to the tray to retrieve their drinks. Mikey grabbed the beer and jack and coke for both you and Mimi. He handed them to you both before grabbing his own.

"What a gentlemen." Mimi said as she elbowed you in the arm.

You continuing conversing with the group of guys and sharing drinks. Turns out the guys had been friends for a long time. Some had been friends since the were very young. You could tell how close they were just by being in their presence. Laughing and smiling as they joked with each other. As you consumed a few more drinks you began loosening up. Before you knew it you were joking and laughing with them, coming out of your shell and showing your true fun character was.

What goes around.....(Mikey x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now