Chapter 20

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"Y/N, please calm down." Mimi begged as her and Emma followed you into the apartment. You had surpassed the sadness that you had felt from that girls words 'I'm Mikey's girlfriend' and now felt anger. A rage that coursed through every part of your body. You slung your books across the living room floor as you stomped your way to the stairs. "Y/N this might hurt but it's a good thing. This is another reason for you to stick to completely cutting Mikey out of your life." Emma said as her and Mimi were on your heels as you started to make your way up the steps. You stopped just at the top step to turn around to face the girls. "A good thing? You think that this is a good thing? Is it a good thing that he used me? Is it a good thing that for months he has plaid with me? Is it a good thing that all of a sudden all the time we spent together talking about our personal experiences and dreams and wants mean nothing? Is it a good thing that the one person I have opened up to and actually felt something for in years can never outright commit to me, turns around and tells me he loves me then tosses me to the side for some bimbo?! HUH!? EXPLAIN TO ME HOW THAT IS A GOOD THING EMMA!" You snapped, feeling all the heat settling in your face and ears as you lashed out.

Emma took a step back, not sure how to take this sudden change in your behavior. "Y/N, please just sit down and talk to us." Mimi said softly as she stepped in front of Emma, as if blocking her from another outburst. "I don't want to talk Mimi. I want to be alone. So please do that for me. I'll talk when I feel like it." You said sternly before turning to enter your bedroom. As you slammed your door behind you, blocking the rest of the world out, you began to cry. But not tears of sadness. Tears of rage, of betrayal. Mikey had drug you around for months now, but not anymore. You were going to make him regret everything if it was the last thing you did. Nothing could satisfy you otherwise now.


3 weeks later:

"Did you really need to bring her?" Draken asked, nodding his head in Rea's direction. "Yep, she is my girlfriend afterall." Mikey said as he led the group through the club doors. "For being your girlfriend you aren't at all interested in her 90% of the time." Draken said rolling his eyes. Mikey ignored him as they continued through the club to the vip section. Draken knew Rea was basically a distraction even if Mikey wouldn't admit. "Mikey, hold my hand." Rea whined as she followed behind Mikey. "You're a big girl. You don't need someone to hold your hand." He responded to her. She continued to whine as she chased behind him. "I really can't stand her." Chifuyu groaned. "Yeah, he traded Y/N for that annoying girl." Baji added. "Quiet." Draken said, giving a warning to the boys. Even though it was apparent that Mikey wasn't as invested in his new girlfriend as she was him they were still required to show her as much respect as possible.

After finally reaching the VIP section of the club everyone took a seat at the table. The waitress proceeded over and began quickly taking everyone's drink order before rushing off to fill them. "I'm going to run to the little girl's room real quick babe." Rea said as she excused herself from the table and made her way to the restrooms. Draken waited till she was completely out of earshot before striking up a conversation with Mikey. "How long are you going to keep this up? He asked Mikey. "Keep what up?" He answered, leaning back in his chair. "This whole Rea thing. We all can tell that you don't like her Mikey." Draken said, pointing out what they all had noticed. "Listen Kenchin, my decisions to be with someone is my business. I suggest you stay out of it." Mikey spat, growing irritated with the conversation. Draken quickly threw his hands up, signalling he was backing off. "Fine, do what you want. If you want to be unhappy that's on you boss." He added, there was no use in arguing with him.

Shortly after the waitress returned with everyones drinks. She began passing them out as Rea re joined the table. "Is there anything else I can get you all?" The waitress asked. "No we are good, thank you." Mitsuya replied. They all chatted as they enjoyed the drinks and the music.

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