Chapter 10

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It had started to rain outside when the car pulled up to Mikey's penthouse. The car came to a stop and the driver exited the driver's seat. He walked around the car till he reached your door, opening it up for you to exit the car. He held an umbrella over your head as he guided you into the building. He guided you through the lobby of the building to the elevator. You were already having flashbacks as he buzzed the elevator to come to the main floor. The doors opened after a few seconds and you entered the elevator as the driver stayed in the lobby. You glanced around the elevator as it began to climb the levels. A ball had settled in your stomach as you watched the numbers light up signaling that you were approaching the floor. A ding echoed in the elevator as it came to a stop. The doors slowly opened, revealing the familiar hallway. You were met with the same mirror that you last used to check your party outfit in but now only reflected someone making a stupid decision. You took in a deep breath as you began climbing the steps.

When you reached the main floor of the penthouse you realized how much bigger it was than last time. Without the large amount of people filling it, it seemed so lonely. How could one person live in a home so large by themselves and feel okay about it. You crossed the large, what you considered, living room area. You glanced around but didn't see Mikey anywhere. "Where is he at?" You thought as you looked around for any sign of him. Why would he invite someone over and then not be here waiting.

"About time you got here." A voice said. You quickly spun around looking for the source of the voice. "Up here." It said again. You tilted your head up to see him leaning over the top floor railing, the lights washing over his short blond hair. What did you call me here for Mikey?" You asked as you crossed your arms. He smirked as he began walking towards the stairs. "I wanted to talk." He said as he started down the stairs. "Oh, you mean to tell me that after a week that all of a sudden you want to talk to me?" You said, your tone dripping with attitude. "Awww, is someone mad?" He laughed, in an almost mocking way. You couldn't believe it. Was he really mocking you, after calling you over. "Excuse me? You know what, no. I'm leaving. This was a stupid decision on my behalf." You scoffed as you turned around and started back across the floor to the entry way. "Where do you think your going?" He said as he grabbed your arm, stopping you in your tracks. "What part of IM LEAVING do you not understand?" You spat as you jerked your arm form him. "You are not to talk or hang out with Baji." He blurted out, a hiss behind the words. You stared at him in confusion. "Do what?" You asked. "I know what Baji wants and I will not allow it." He said. A silence fell over you as you processed what was going on. The only sound that was heard was the pattering of the rain against the glass windows of the penthouses. "Are you bring me all the way out here to tell me who I'm not allowed to talk to?! Last time I checked I didn't belong to anyone. So yes I will talk to Baji if I want or anyone I want actually." You said as you leaned into his face. You couldn't believe him, who did he think he was. Almost like he thought he owned you.

You glared at him, at the same time searching his face for some type of reaction. He stood there with an emotionless face as he stared right back at you intensely. Then, without warning, he grabbed the back of your neck pulling you toward him as you were met with his mouth on yours. The force of the kiss made your lips tingle. He slid his tongue in as he slid his other hand around your waist. "Snap out of it Y/N. Don't let him get his way!" You quickly pulled away, coming to your senses. "What do you think you're doing!?" You screamed at him as you backed away. He muttered not a word as he slowly started walking toward you, once again an emotionless expression displayed across his face. You continued to back away from, but your legs quickly collided with a couch. As you lost your balance you fell backwards onto the couch.

You stared up at Mikey as he approached you, towering over you. Panic had set in as he stopped in front of you. He leaned down, placing his hand on the back of the couch for support. He leaned in until his face was inches from yours. "You're cute when your mad." He chuckled before quickly locking his lips with yours again. He lowered himself on to the couch, placing his knees between your legs as he pushed you down till you were laying on the couch. "What are you doing? Stop!" You said raising up as you began to push him away. You weren't going to let him get the satisfaction of what he wanted again.  He quickly grabbed both your wrists in one hand an pushed them down above your head. He used his other hand to slide your shirt up. You felt your breath catch in your chest as he began rubbing your nipple through the lace bra you had on. You wanted to tell him to stop again but you couldn't. Your words along with your breath were stuck. He pulled your bra down exposing your breasts while he continued to hold your hands down. He began kissing you between your breasts, the light brush of his lips sending shocks down your body each time. He then took your nipple in his mouth, sucking and flicking his tongue against it. You let out a loud hiss from the pleasure. Your brain was completely blank now. How could you let this happen again. You were playing right into his hands. He began to slide his hands down your stomach slowly till he reached the waist band of your pants. You pulled the button, causing the front of your shorts to open up. He slid his hands inside your underwear.

"" You managed to sputter out. He lifted his head to you. "Your body says otherwise." He said as his fingers rested on your wetness.  "Mikey...." You said, in a pleading voice. "Tell me to stop one more time and I'll let you go and you can go home." He said as he stared at you. "S..sss....s.." You wanted to tell him to stop so badly but you knew deep down you didn't want him. You wanted him to touch you so much it was driving you crazy. "Do you want me to stop?" He asked. You shook your head, there was no use in fighting him. "Good." He said as he slid his fingers inside of you. You let out a gasp as it sent shivers through your body. Your breathing quickened as he sped up the rhythm of his hand as he moved his fingers in and out of you. You could feel that you were reaching a climax as every nerve in your body felt like it was on fire. You began to arch your back as the feeling intensified. You closed your eyes as you got closer, focusing on the feeling. Mikey quickly let go of his grip on your wrists and replaced them around the bottom of your face, causing you to open your eyes. "What did I tell you about looking at me." He said as he stared at you with an intensity that sent shivers down your spine. You began to let out soft moans that began to grow as you got closer and closer to your climax. As you finally went over the edge you saw a smile creep across his face as he watched you come undone.

He removed his hand and began pulling your pants and underwear off as you laid there catching your breath. You could hear the rattling of his belt as you laid there in a daze. You looked down as he pulled his erection out from his boxers. He slowly began rubbing it across your clit and then your opening. You let out a hiss, anticipating him to put it in. "Tell me you want it." He said as he continued the motion. "I want it." You panted softly as the feeling sent shivers down your legs. "Beg for me princess." He said with a smirk, he was enjoying making your suffer. "Please. Please put it in." You whimpered, not wanting to wait any longer. "You'll leave Baji alone?" He asked. You nodded your head, you would of told him anything at that point. "Now, say you belong to me." He said. You were quiet for a few seconds as you processed what he had just said. "I belong to you ." You said, becoming more breathless as he continued to rub his cock against you. "Who do you belong to?" He asked, stopping his motions. "You, Mikey." You panted. "Good girl." He said as he thrusted inside of you. You screamed as he entered you, every inch filling you. He pushed both of you legs back as he entered deeper with each thrust. He leaned down to kiss you once again as he ravaged you. You could hear his breath become quicker with yours as you both got closer to the edge. Once again you began to climax as you filled the room with your loud moans of pleasure, making sure to keep your eyes locked with his. As soon as you came down from your orgasm he quickly pulled out. "Finish me off princess." He said as he held his erect cock in his hand. Without hesitation you took him in your mouth, listening to the moans escaping his lips. He finally reached his climax as he released into your mouth that you swallowed without hesitation. As the both ofyou sat there panting your mind had already started racing. The one thing you said you weren't going to do, you did. "What sick game is he playing." You thought.


Later that night:

As you entered your apartment you made sure to be as quiet as possible. The last thing you wanted to do was wake Mimi up. You placed your keys gently on the table. You tip toed up the steps making sure to step as lightly as possible. As you reached your door you felt a wave or relief wash over you. You carefully turned the knob and entered your room. Safe in your room finally, you let out a sigh as you flipped the light on. "Where have you been? You heard from behind you. You whirled around on your heels as your heart jumped into your throat. There on your bed sat Mimi and Emma. You stared at them wide eyed, like a kid who had just got caught stealing candy by their parents. "Ummmm..." Was all you could manage to get out, not sure what to tell them. You could lie but they would know. But how do you tell your friend you were out fucking her brother after she expressed her concern for the situation. You were going to have to come clean regardless of the results. You couldn't lie to them anymore.

Longer chapter for you!! So excited to get to some juicier parts!! Let me know what you think! :)

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