Chapter 13

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The sudden downpour had turned to a slight drizzle by the time you and Mikey had reached the bike. The two of you climbed on to the bike and began your descent back to the highway. You were still in what seemed like a daze from the events that took place just moments before. The kiss. That sweet, soft, game changing kiss. What had come over him? That was a legit 'I care for you' kiss. Not the usual 'get your ass over here so I can ravage you' kiss. The softness in his eyes and his touch was so different then the usual forceful and dominating one that Mikey usually put out. The bewilderment of the whole scenario stumped you, and was all you could think of as the two of you made your way down the highway. You suddenly felt a slight tap on your outer thigh, ripping you from your thoughts. "You okay?" Mikey asked, leaving his hand resting on your leg. "Yeah, Im good. Just enjoying the scenery." You replied with a soft grin, trying to reassure  him you were okay and not tearing your mind to pieces as you dissected his new behavior in your head. "Good." He said as he gave your leg one more pat before returning it to handlebar as you returned your thoughts back on the current problem in your head.

Before you knew it you were pulling up to your apartment. Another weird change in behavior. Mikey never took you home. You were always given a ride home by his personal driver. This was out of the ordinary for sure and adding to the list of things that were stumping you tonight. As the bike came to a smooth stop in front of the grass of your yard you began lifting yourself from the bike. Mikey put out a hand for you to hold as you swung your leg over the bike to help you keep your balance and not fall. Once off the bike you stood there next to him. A few moments of silence passed before you realized that you needed to break this silence before it became awkward. 

"Thanks for driving me home, and for taking me to see the city. " You thanked him, noticing that his hand was still wrapped around yours. "You're welcome. Thanks for coming with me." He replied with a smile, his features still displaying a softness. The silence commenced again as you stood there fully focused on the fact that he still had not dropped your hand. "Well, I better get in the house. I need to get some sleep." You said. "Work tomorrow?" He asked. "No, I actually took this week off since we go back next week. I wanted some down time with no work before we went back." You explained as the two of you continued to stand there in the darkness of the night. "I hear ya. Well, I'll let you get in the house." He replied. You both said your goodbyes before he finally released your hand and began to drive off.  You quickly turned to head back in the house, almost in a sprint. 

"Y/N!" You heard him call for you. You turned back to face the road. He had stopped his bike a few feet from where he was originally parked and was walking across the yard to you. You stood there, unsure of what he was doing, or what he may want. "What's wrong?" You asked, a puzzled look on your face as he came closer. When he finally reached you he snaked his hand through your hair and around the back of your head as he pulled you in for another kiss. The same softness as before but mixed with almost a determined feel. The kiss was oozing with a passionate feel to it. You stood there with your eyes closed as you let it engulf every inch of your body and mind as it sent the warm feeling pouring over you as it did previously at the gazebo. 

After what seemed like forever, he broke the kiss and began to pull away. You opened your eyes slowly to look up into his dark eyes. A small half grin plastered on his face. "Goodnight Y/N. I'll talk to you tomorrow." He sad before he turned to walk back to the bike. You continued to stand there until he reached his back, watching every step he took across the grass. As he resumed his seat on his bike you began your retreat to the front door. You could hear the roar of the bike begin down the road as you turned the handle to let yourself inside. Once you had the door closed you leaned against it. Almost in shock. What was going on. Why was he acting like this all of a sudden. You needed someone to talk to before this ate at every bit of your mind. You took off in the direction of the stairs. Your destination was Mimi's room. 

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