
613 11 42

human au
p.s. duck slays

Sunlight peered through the curtains of your bedroom, somehow landing right on your sleeping face. Your brows furrowed and you tried to turn over, covering your face with the warm blanket on your body.

Content and trying to go back to sleep, you were awoken again to the sound of your husband's alarm going off. His tired groan and hand slapping down on the clock told you he was now awake too. You let out an annoyed sigh and opened your eyes, deciding you'd stay up with him.

Duck rolled over and looked at you, jumping slightly but smiling to see you looking back at him.

"Mornin' dear."

You felt a small shiver run down your spine from his raspy morning voice.

"Good morning, Montague."

He got flustered at your response and chuckled as he got up and out of bed, grabbing some clothes from the dresser to change into after his shower. You watched as he walked to the bathroom connected to your bedroom, but before he closed the door he turned around and winked at you.

"I'll be out soon darlin'."

You smiled and nodded an 'okay' as you got out of bed and called out, "I'm gonna make breakfast!" before you left the room to the kitchen. You poured a small glass of water and quicky took your morning pills before you got to work.

"Hm.. What should I make today?"

You pondered as you looked in the fridge, your eyes landing on the pancake batter you had leftover from the other morning.

"Pancakes it is!"

Grabbing the batter, a pan and a spatula, you turned on the stove and began making some pancakes for you and your husband before he left for work. While you were cooking, you didn't realize Duck was finished with his shower and would soon surprise you.

You soon finished and grabbed some plates and utensils, stacking some pancakes on both plates and setting the table for you and him. When you turned around to go grab some drinks, you were met with his shirtless body leaning on the doorway, arms crossed and a smile on his face.

Your face immediately warmed up and you stared at him, water still dripping from his hair and down his toned torso. Duck took notice and chuckled at your cuteness.

"I'll grab our drinks, what would you like?"

"Uh.. W-Water.."

Duck nodded and poured two glasses of water for you and him, coming back and setting the cups on the table. He then sat down across from you, noticing you were still flustered.


You slightly jumped and looked over at him while taking a bite of your food.


"You know you don't have to get so shy every time you see me shirtless, right?"

"I-I know.. I can't help it though." You let out a laugh as you talked, looking away and taking another bite of food.

Duck smiled and nodded, knowing you got shy over things like that and left it alone. You both finished eating pretty quickly, setting the dishes in the sink to wash later.

He glanced at the clock and noticed he had to be at work soon, walking to the bedroom to finish getting dressed. You followed him in there and watched him put his work clothes on, making sure he didn't forget anything.

"Alright love, I've got to get going so I'm not late."

You pouted and gave him a hug, squeezing as much as you could to get your love all over him. He swayed your bodies slightly, pecking your head before letting go. Duck then held your face in his hands, giving you a sweet, soft kiss.

"I'll see you when I get home, I love you."

"Hmph.. Be careful, I love you more."

You quickly gave him one more kiss before walking him to the door and waving goodbye.

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