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You stared at your boss, eyes wide and your mouth agape.

You'd made a small mistake in helping Sir Toppham Hatt and it first seemed like he was giving you advice.. But his angered voice changed your mind.

"y/n I told you, running this railway isn't easy!"

"S-Sir I-"

"Listen, I hired you to be my assistant because sometimes it's too much for me, but if you're going to go around sending MY engines where they're not needed-"

He took a sharp inhale before continuing.

"Maybe I'd be better off without you."

You couldn't believe what you just heard, even Sir Toppham's guards looked shocked. You didn't even hear the loud whistle of an engine pulling into the station.

The small man gave you one last glance before walking off to his office, you watching his retreating form.

You let out a sigh, now noticing the train who you recognized as Hiro sitting on the tracks beside you.

"Oh, hi Hiro.."

"Hello, y/n. What's the matter?"

You looked at him, seeing a concerned expression on his face. You bit your lip trying to hold back your tears before speaking.

"I made my boss mad.."

Hiro's eyes widened and he glanced at Sir Toppham's office before looking back at you.

"I'm sure it's just a misunderstanding, y/n. He's been stressed lately, and maybe it's all getting to him."

"He didn't have to take it out on me.. Oh Hiro, what should I do?"

Hiro seemed to be in thought for a moment before he responded to you.

"It's going to be okay, my dear. Would you like to ride around with me while I finish my jobs?"

You looked up at him and nodded, stepping into his cab with his driver and fireman. Hiro blew his  whistle and was on his way.


You just got back to Knapford. Hiro had finished all his work for the day and he helped you feel so much better.

As you stepped out of his cab, Sir Toppham walked up to you with a guilty face.

"Ah, I've been looking for you y/n."

You straightened your posture nervously and clasped your hands together, nodding for him to go on.

"I must apologize, what I said to you earlier is unforgivable of me. I shouldn't have lashed out at you like that and I'm sorry, you're such a great member of this railway and it would be a shame to lose you." He apologized sincerely.

You looked at him with a small smile as you took in his words.

"I forgive you sir, I know you've been stressed lately.."

You glanced away before looking back at him.

"Just please don't do that again, I don't want to have to quit on you." You finished with a small laugh.

Sir Toppham joined your laughter and pat your shoulder slightly. His guards looked at you with smiles of their own.

"I'm glad we've cleared things up. Now, I need you to take care of things here at Knapford for the rest of the day. I need to talk to Mr. Percival."

You gave him a small salute and a grin.

"Of course, sir!"

He nodded and left with his guards to his car, driving off to talk to the thin controller. You looked over at Hiro who was already looking at you.

"I see things are cleared up now, hm?"

You smiled and walked over to him.

"I guess so, I'm just glad he apologized.." You said with a chuckle.

"I'm glad you feel better, y/n."

Your cheeks warmed up slightly and you looked at him, seeing a tint of pink on his cheeks. Hiro smiled sweetly at you and an idea popped into your head.

You walked over to his face and leaned over to peck his cheek, lingering a little before pulling away.

Hiro's cheeks were a darker pink now and his eyes were widened, but still had that sweet smile on his lips.

"Thank you, Hiro, for everything you do for me.. I'll see you later."

You waved at him and winked before walking to Sir Toppham's office to make sure things stayed in check.

Hiro stayed there for a few minutes, relishing the small kiss you had given him. He never had any attraction to anyone before in all his years, but you nudged your way into his heart.

"You're welcome, y/n."

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