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human au

You arrived on Sodor one day, wanting to visit the island and see what it had to offer. The mainland was a little too busy for your liking and you wanted something new.

You met most of the engines on the railway and they all seemed very sweet, but when you applied for a job at the quarry, you met her.


It had been a few months after you moved to the quaint island, and you applied for a job at Ffarquhar Quarry since you needed money.

Your old job on the mainland was something similar, but here you were going to supervise that the work was being done and help out if needed.

You got in your car and drove to Knapford where you'd be waiting to get picked up. You were just going to ride with some of the workers up to the quarry to save gas.

A brown tram engine who you recognized as Toby soon pulled up with his coach, Henrietta.

"Good morning, y/n." He said with a polite smile.

"Hello Toby. Morning Henrietta!"

You greeted them and stepped into the coach, sitting down as a few quarry workers joined you.

They greeted you kindly and you smiled, some small talk starting up as Toby left the station.

"So you're the one who's going to be our supervisor, huh?" Asked a man who seemed to be in his late 30's.

"Yep! That's me, I figured it'd be a nice change."

You continued to talk to the workers until you arrived at the quarry, where you'd be starting your first day of work.

You waved goodbye to Toby and Henrietta, walking with your new acquaintances to what you assumed was an office building. It was pretty busy everywhere, but it didn't really bother you much.

You were lead to your boss' office and you politely greeted them, closing the door behind you as you sat down in front of their desk.

"You must be y/n."

"Yep, that's me!" You smiled at them.

"You're going to be working with our hardest worker on the team, her name's Mavis. You'll get along great with her."

They then did a bit more explaining on what you'd be doing.

With a nod to your instructions, you excused yourself from the room. You wanted to meet this 'Mavis', she seemed like a nice person from what you were told.

You walked over to this group of men, some driving trains to shunt empty cars to be filled. Others were filling up said cars with rocks and minerals from the mines.

You glanced around and noticed a woman giving orders and helping some of the men with the cars.

"That must be Mavis." You thought as you started walking towards her.

She noticed you walking over and smiled, meeting you half way.

"Hi, I'm Mavis! You're y/n, right?"

You stared at her as she introduced herself. She was absolutely beautiful. You felt your cheeks warm up but you didn't care, you just couldn't take your eyes away from hers.

She seemed a bit confused but had a small blush of her own as she waved a hand in front of your face.


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