
901 16 49

a/n: a little bit of blood/gore

Something about him attracted you to that bright red engine.. Maybe it was his confidence, his snarky attitude, his cute little smirk, the way he talks-

You could say you were a bit obsessed with him, but that didn't stop you.

No one did.

You strolled down to Knapford, knowing James had a passenger train at 8:30. You stood on the platform and your face lit up when you heard him pull in.

"James!" You exclaimed.

He glanced at you and smiled, you being oblivious to the subtle blush on his cheeks.

"Good morning, y/n. Are you riding with me today?"

You nodded eagerly and asked his fireman and driver if you could stand in James' cab. They looked at each other and nodded with a smile, knowing you and the engine had a little something going on.

You hopped in and felt giddy inside.

Soon enough, with two blows of his whistle, James was on his way. It was a little slow at first but the breeze you felt said otherwise.

You had small goosebumps from the chilly air, it was smacking against your skin and didn't want to go away. Thankfully it did though, as James slowed down at a station.

It was a smooth ride, and passengers got off with thanks.

You stepped onto the platform, asking James to wait as you had to use the restroom. He complied and watched as you walked off, noticing some people staring at him.

He grinned and winked at them, loving the attention. He wouldn't admit it to anyone else, but James loved your attention the most.

In fact, he loved you. Everything about you, but he thought nothing would ever change since he was an engine and you were human.

You finished washing your hands and walked out of the restroom, only to overhear some girl around your age fawning over your favorite engine.

You stared at her from where you were, gritting your teeth. You were not going to let her talk about him like that, only you could.

You put on a fake face and walked up to her, waving your hand as to be friendly.

"Hey, are you a fan of James too?"

The girl turned and looked at you, nodding with a grin.

"He's the best!"

You let out a laugh, saying "Me too!" You talked with her for a minute before asking her to follow you.

You gave a fake excuse, something vague like girl problems, and lead her to the bathroom.

Allowing her to walk in first, you followed with a dark expression on your face. You sneakily locked the door behind you.

"So, what did yo-"

Before she could even finish you punched her square in the jaw, causing her to fall over on the floor from the force. She curled up in pain and you towered over her.

You then fell down atop her body, staying up by your knees and you began to beat the living shit out of her.

She yelped and pleaded for you to stop, but you didn't.

Punch, after punch, after punch, her face was mangled up and a squishing sound came when your fists struck her skin. She struggled to breathe and you stood up, looking at her.

"Pathetic." You mumbled before stomping down on her neck, breaking it and finishing her.

You made sure no blood got on you as you dragged her to a trash can and stuffed her inside. You threw some other trash and papers on top of her before putting the lid back on.

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