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You sat in your yard as you tended to your small garden, gently planting some new flowers.

They were already grown, but their bulbs meant they'd come back every year. You carefully placed them into the ground and surrounded the area with soil.

It wasn't a particularly hot day, but still warm. You had to wipe some sweat off of your forehead a few times already, but you were almost done.

A cool breeze passed by and made you sigh contently as it felt nice against your warm skin.

You stood up and stretched, aching since you've been crouching for a while now. Your knees felt a little wobbly but you ignored it.

You grabbed your watering can and gave your new flowers something to drink so they'd flourish. It wasn't long until they were all watered.

You put your gardening tools away and refilled your birdbath with some fresh water, cleaning the brim of it too.

You also threw some seeds and treats out for the birds, squirrels and other animals. It made you happy that you could help them out, even if they were just surviving.

You went inside and cleaned up, pouring yourself a drink and grabbing a book that you liked. You went back outside and sat down on your lawn chair under a tree, so you were shaded from the warm sun.

It was a peaceful afternoon, the noises of the woods being a perfect background noise for you to focus on your book.

Though a loud whistle made you nearly jump out of your seat.

Your friend Henry pulled up beside your house, smiling sweetly. You grinned back and waved at him.

"Hi Henry!"

"Hello y/n, your flowers look beautiful!"

He said cheerfully in his cute accent, and you just smiled at him.

"Awe, thank you."

"You're welcome. Y'know, I'm sure all the animals appreciate you being here."

"Me too." You replied to him giggling, watching some chipmunks run off with some peanuts. You then looked back to him.

"What're you doing here? I figured it would be awhile before you stopped by."

"Well, Sir Toppham Hatt let me have the day off and I thought why not come see my favorite person!" He told you proudly.

"How sweet.." You whispered to yourself, your cheeks warming.

"Well, what would you like to do?"

Henry thought for a moment before looking back at you.

"I just wanted to see you, y/n. We can do whatever you'd like." He said kindly, a small blush appearing on his cheeks.

It just caused you to smile at his cuteness.

"Well, I can read to you if you'd like. My book is getting pretty interesting." You suggested.

Henry agreed and watched you get up and bring your book with you, climbing up on his buffer beam and sitting.

You started to read to him, accentuating some parts and making it fun. Henry seemed to like it, as he listened with a smile on his face.


It was a bit later, almost evening when you finished. The sun started to go down but you were still snug against Henry.

"You have a nice voice, y/n. And you can read so well." He said, giggling as you got flustered.

"I guess I just like to do it, especially for my favorite engine." You told him with a sincere smile, his cheeks getting pink.

You looked away and watched birds fly home to their nests, chipmunks returning to their burrows. Owls started to come out, their hooting filling the quiet air.

Crickets began to play their music, and fireflies had woken up to share their beautiful lights.

It was absolutely wonderful, this was why you loved living in the woods.

You looked back over to Henry, who was looking around in awe at the scenery. He never gets to see this kind of stuff, as he's almost always working.

He looked at you, a small blush dusting his cheeks as he smiled.

"It's been wonderful seeing you y/n, but I should probably head back to Tidmouth now."

You frowned but understood, knowing he has to take The Flying Kipper soon.

"I hope I can see you again soon, Henry." You said, looking at him with sad eyes.

"Me too, y/n."

There was a bit of silence before an idea popped in your head. You shifted your body and leaned over to give Henry a kiss on the cheek.

His eyes widened and he blushed deeply, looking at you starstruck. You smiled and pecked his nose as well before hopping off of him.

"I had fun with you today, even if we didn't do much."

Henry was still shocked as he just stared. You put a hand on his siding and rubbed a little before stepping away from him.

"I'll see you later, cutie pie." You winked at him and turned to walk back to your house. Henry watched you for a few minutes until you got to your doorstep and waved at him.

He whistled at you twice before starting up and heading back home. He couldn't wait to see you again, maybe then he could confess his feelings for you.

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