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a/n: hi besties, sorry i haven't updated in a while- i graduated a few weeks ago and got unmotivated to write but now i wanna come back especially to finish your requests :P

You kept your hands in your pockets, your breaths visible as you stood on the station's platform.

It was winter on Sodor, but the cold weather didn't stop people from going out. Most still had to go to work, though you just wanted to visit an old friend at Knapford.

It had been a year or 2 since you last saw them, and you hoped they wouldn't bail on you again like the last few times..

A whistle soon brought you out of your thoughts as a big green engine pulled into Vicarstown.

It was Henry.

Your eyes lit up and you walked over to him, a smile gracing your lips. He noticed you coming towards him and grew a smile of his own.

"Good afternoon, y/n!"

"Hi Henry!"

You stood in front of him on the platform, gazing at him with an emotion unknown to him.

"How are you doing today, you big green bean?"

Henry blushed a little at your silly nickname for him.

"I'm alright, the snow on the tracks is annoying.. How are you?"

You laughed a little before you responded.

"I'm doing well, though it is pretty cold today."

You rubbed your hands together before returning them back to your pockets. Henry just watched.

"Well, I'd better hop in one of your coaches, you're going to leave soon." You stated with a smile as you started to walk away.


"Wait, y/n!"

You stopped in your tracks and walked back to him, a concerned expression on your face.

"What's wrong?"

Henry looked down, his cheeks tinted pink as he started to speak.

"Would you like to ride in my cab..?"

You looked at him slightly confused for a moment before you processed what he said, an excited look quickly plastered on your face.

"Of course I would!"

You stepped right into his cab and thanked his driver and fireman, petting your hand against his smooth metal. Henry shuttered and tried to keep a straight face, but his blush wouldn't go away.

His whistle was blown twice, steam wheeshing out from under his wheels as he moved forward.

You were now on your way to Knapford.


Henry pulled into the large station, coming to a slow stop. More warm steam wheeshed out into the cold air as passengers started to exit the coaches.

You got out of Henry's cab and went up to where his face was to chat for the time being.

"Such a smooth ride as always, Henry." You complimented.

His cheeks were flushed pink but you assumed it was from the cold, smiling at his cuteness. You then turned and looked around, trying to see if your friend had arrived yet.

There was no sign of them, as per usual, but you held on to the small bit of hope you had left. You turned back to look at Henry again.

"I guess I'm gonna be here for a little while.." You smiled a bit awkwardly.

Henry looked over your shoulder, seeing no one waiting for you as you'd told him on the ride to the station.

He then looked back to you with concern.


"I-It's okay Henry, I'm sure they won't do this to me again."

You tried to be positive and not worry, but it didn't seem to work. Henry could see right through your act as he thought for a moment.

"I don't have any other jobs for the moment, I'll wait with you."

He gave you a warm smile as he was uncoupled from his coaches, resting on the tracks beside you to keep you company.


A few hours later..


You sighed into the cold air, a sad expression on your face as you realized once again you got stood up.

Henry looked at your form on the bench with a frown, genuinely feeling bad for you.


You slowly looked over to him, tears pricking the corners of your eyes.

"We used to be so close.. And now they don't even care to see me anymore." You spoke lowly, choking back a sob.

"They promised me they wouldn't do this to me again.."

You fell silent once more.

"I think you should forget them, y/n. Nothing good has ever come from them from what you've told me."

Henry glanced around before continuing.

"You have me, y'know.."

Your eyes widened slightly and you looked up at him, thinking his words over and agreeing. Your smile came back and you got up, putting a hand on his metal frame.

"You're right, Henry.. I don't know why I kept wasting my hope on someone who's never gave me any effort."

You leaned over and kissed his cheek, pulling away with a shy grin.

"Besides, you've treated me better than they ever have."

Henry's cheeks flushed pink and you realized it was from blushing this time. You couldn't help but giggle at him.

You look down at your phone and notice a text from your 'friend' saying they couldn't make it and some sad excuse.

You just blocked them and deleted their contacts, fed up with their bullshit now.

Looking at the time, you sighed and turned to Henry.

"Well, it's getting pretty late now. We've been here for a few hours, I should get going."

You noticed Bertie at the bus stop and waved at him to tell him you were catching a ride, but turned back to Henry before you ran off.

"Thank you for today, I'm glad I can count on you. I'll see you later okay?"

You pecked his cheek once more, then left to get a ride home on the sweet red bus.

Henry watched your leaving form, a smile gracing his features as he got ready to return to the sheds.

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