Chapter 35

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"Alfred, how did you even know I was about to marry Catwoman?" said Calvin.

"It was all over the news, Master Calvin" said Alfred.

"Very good. Jumping in after seeing it" said Calvin.

"Thank you, sir" said Alfred.

"But I'm afraid this is no time for congratulations. We gotta go get Charles Wallace and Sam and hurry back to the Actorville party" said Calvin.

Charles Wallace was about to be dunked in the wax.

He tried calling for help, but it was useless. No one could hear him. 

Calvin and Alfred had looked everywhere for him, but they couldn't find him.

There was only one possible place left where Charles Wallace could be.

The two entered the room where the Riddler tied him up and Charles Wallace was so glad to see them.

"Calvin! Alfred! Am I glad to see you" said Charles Wallace.

"I'm glad to see you in one piece, buddy" said Calvin.

"The Riddler's trying to dunk me in hot candle wax! Get me outta here!" said Charles Wallace.

Mustering all his strength, Calvin pushed the wax pot away from Charles Wallace's feet and let the rope lower him all the way down.

Then he cut the rope with Alfred's good scissors and Charles Wallace was free.

"Gee, Cal, thanks" said Charles Wallace.

"Don't thank me yet, bud. Do you know where Sam is?" said Calvin.

"Sorry. No" said Charles Wallace.

"But I guarantee you'll both find her" said Alfred.

"We will. Alfred, you go stand guard. See if any villains are around. If they are, inform us immediately" said Calvin.

"Yes, Master Calvin. At once" said Alfred exiting the hideout. 

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