Chapter 10

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Batman and Robin met Rose at Commissioner Gordon's office.

"You got here alright?" said Robin.

"Yeah" said Rose.

"Good. Now be careful. No names. Don't say anything that could give my true identity away" said Robin.

"No, Papa" said Rose. 

"Good girl" said Robin.

They entered the commissioner's office.

"Batman! How did you know to bring Rose here?" said Commissioner Gordon.

"Mr Grayson brought me to the Dynamic Duo, Commissioner Gordon. He really is a good man" said Rose.

"Very good, Miss Rose. Now. Could you tell us what you saw after the safe was dropped behind you?" said Commissioner Gordon.

"No sir. I have no idea how it happened. All I know is that it landed right behind me" said Rose.

"So it might have been an attempt to murder you" said Chief O'Hara.

"Yes, chief. I told Batman and my father everything. They think it could be criminal activity. Right?" said Rose.

"That's right, dear Rose. The only question is who did it" said Batman.

"Holy mystery! How are we gonna find out?" said Robin.

"I'm afraid we won't find out alone. We may need a bigger team" said Batman.

"A bigger team?" said Rose.

"Why yes. Why didn't I call them earlier" said Commissioner Gordon.

"You go to Wiggletown, Robin, and sound the Warrior Siren. I'll push on here" said Batman.

"Aye aye, sir!" said Robin.

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