Chapter 18

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Batman and Robin stayed with Rose while the kids went to look for Two-Bits.

They went back to Wiggletown and saw Meg exiting her hospital.

"Hi, guys!" she said.

"Hey, Meg" said Calvin.

"Why are you wearing your Warrior uniforms?" said Meg.

"Because we're on a case" said Charles Wallace.

"Not much a case. More like an emergency" said Calvin.

"Yeah. My old enemy is in town and he dropped a safe on Actorville" said Sam.

"I heard about that. How did you guys find out who did it?" said Meg.

"Oh, we have our ways" said Sam.

"A criminal has to get up pretty early in the morning to outwit you three" said Meg.

Just then, Two-Bits's super stretch car pulled up next to Wigglehouse. 

"And there he is in his loud, ludicrous limo" said Calvin.

Two-Bits got out of his car and stared at the kids.

"Well well well; if it isn't Green Bean and her little entourage" he said.

"Two-Bits. Do you recognize this?" said Sam handing her enemy the commissioner's parking ticket.

Two-Bits widened his eyes and said "Where'd you get this?"

"From Commissioner Gordon. Care to explain yourself?" said Charles Wallace.

"I got nothin' to explain, small fry. I did give the commissioner this ticket. I was passing by when I saw his car had been parked for too long and imagine my surprise" said Two-Bits.

"Ha! Well, imagine our surprise when we found out you dropped the safe in Actorville" said Calvin.

Two-Bits jumped back in surprise. He had no idea how the Warriors found out that he'd dropped the safe.

"I know that look. He's guilty!" said Sam.

"That ticket thing had to be a charade" said Calvin.

"What are you doing, Two-Bits? And why are you doing it?" said Sam.

"Did you attempt to drop the safe on Rose Grayson? If so, you almost succeeded" said Charles Wallace.

"Better yet, what the heck are you trying to do to the Wiggles?" said Sam.

"How am I not surprised? You've always hated me, Green Bean. And now you and your gang of rug rats are accusing me of swindling the Wiggles into something ridiculous when nothing's happening to 'em" said Two-Bits.

"Well, whatever you're doing, it's putting Rose through things no child should go through" said Calvin.

"And we also happen to know you're working with the Penguin. We've run into him too many times for you to get away with the name K.G Bird" said Charles Wallace.

Two-Bits was really fired up now. He stomped back to his car saying "You kids ain't seen the last of me!" 

Then he sped away from Wigglehouse again. 

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