Chapter 16

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The next day...

"How did it go with the Wiggles, Two-Bits?" said the Joker.

"Perfectly. Those four dumbbells said they'd do anything I say with absolutely no suspicion" said Two-Bits. 

"Wonderful. Now do you think you have time to go and snatch Rose Grayson?" said the Penguin.

"I still need a way to do it without Green Bean and her gang seeing the event" said Two-Bits.

"Well, think fast. The Actorville party is in three days! The job must be done before then or else the Dynamic Duo will know we're behind it. When Rose was conceived of, we had attacked Actorville before then" said Catwoman.

"Of course. And we can't do that again. If we attack the place she was conceived of in then kidnap his daughter, the Boy Wonder will know everything" said the Riddler.

"Don't worry. I got it all under control. No one will ever know" said Two-Bits.

Meanwhile, the kids were having a word with Murray's father, Commissioner Russell Cook about Actorville.

"A safe falling from the sky? That's practically impossible" said Commissioner Cook.

"For whatever reason, it was dropped. How high up was it, Sam?" said Calvin.

"I dunno. I didn't see it fall. I didn't even know it was there at all until it landed behind Rose" said Sam.

"I see" said Commissioner Cook.

"This is another dirty trick; I know it" said Calvin.

"Hmm. Lieutenant Mathers!" said Commissioner Cook.

"Yes?" said a male officer.

"Have your men patrol Disney Actorville and search everywhere for any signs of villainous schemes" Commissioner Cook ordered.

"Yes sir!" said Lieutenant Mathers. 

"Thanks a lot, Commissioner Cook. We'll press on from here" said Calvin.

"You're welcome, Three Warriors" said Commissioner Cook.

The kids went back to Actorville to find Batman and Robin.

The duo were investigating the safe that was dropped.

"Any luck?" said Sam.

"I'm afraid not. This safe doesn't seem to have evidence" said Batman.

"Look harder. There's gotta be some sort of label that leads to something" said Calvin.

"Holy bumper sticker; of course! Why didn't I think of that?" said Robin.

"Very good thought, Calvin" said Batman.

He looked at the label on the safe. 

"It says it came from a company owned by... K.G Bird" said Batman.

"Gawrsh. I've never heard of that before" said Sam.

"K.G Bird..." said Charles Wallace. 

"Cagey Bird?! The Penguin!" said Robin.

"Of course! The Penguin!" said Sam.

"So the Penguin must have dropped the safe" said Charles Wallace.

"Unless he hired someone to do it" said Calvin.

"Think about it. This happened right after Commissioner Gordon was given that parking ticket" said Sam.

"Oh yeah! And whoever gave the commissioner that ticket..." said Charles Wallace.

"I'll bet they dropped the safe too" said Calvin.

"Holy puzzlers, Warriors! You guys sure are good at putting things together" said Robin.

"We have our moments. Come on. Let's go see if the commissioner's ticket provides a clue" said Sam.

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