Chapter 3

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Sam was at the bar handing out drinks to other actors.

Dick looked back at her with a longing expression.

"Papa? Are you alright?" said Rose.

Dick looked at his daughter and said "Yeah. It's just one of those things. Everyone has regrets, Rosie. And this regret I have makes me... heartsick" said Dick.

"What do you mean, Dick" said Chad putting his hand on Dick's shoulder.

"Just watching that girl look so happy... I used to be so selfish... I'd tend to keep her away from the things that make her happy. And that makes me heartsick" said Dick.

"Sam? You kinda like her don't you?" said Tim.

Not wanting to admit it, Dick just turned back and said "Never mind. She's happy now and that's all that matters". 

Later, Rose was walking home with Dick and Sam. 

"So now what?" said Rose.

"Now I go to the police department. It's my other profession" said Sam.

"And I have to go back to Gotham City. I might be needed in the Batcave" said Dick.

"But what about me?" said Rose.

"You're coming with me, sweetheart" said Dick.

"It's alright, Dick; she can stay in Wigglehouse. Calvin's working, but Charles Wallace will be there" said Sam.

"Well... as long as she has someone to stay with" said Dick reluctantly.

"I'll be okay, Papa. Charles Wallace is a Warrior" said Rose.

Dick laughed and said "Alright, Rose. Can you find your way back?"

"Sure I can" said Rose.

She entered Wigglehouse and found Charles Wallace drinking punch.

"Hi, Rose! Good to see ya" he said.

"Hi, Charles Wallace. Can I ask you a question?" said Rose.

"You just did" said Charles Wallace.

"Oh. Well, here's another. Papa said he likes seeing Sam so happy. What's the secret to your happiness?" said Rose.

"There's no real secret about it, Rose. The Wiggles say all you have to do is enjoy what you do" said Charles Wallace.

"Who?" said Rose.

"The Wiggles. The men who live in this house. They're actually the most famous kids' band, most fun loving people you'll ever meet, richest men in Australia, not bad with the ladies either. Sam is actually married to one of them" said Charles Wallace.

"They sound nice" said Rose.

"They are. And they often tell us that even when something is hard, the main thing is to try and enjoy yourself" said Charles Wallace.

"Wow" said Rose.

"In other words, all you gotta do is..." Charles Wallace began.

He sang the rest.

Look for the bare necessities, the simple bare necessities 

Forget about your worries and your strife

I mean the bare necessities, ol' mother nature's recipes

That bring the bare necessities of life

Wherever I wander, wherever I roam

I couldn't be fonder of my big home

The bees are buzzing in the tree to make some honey just for me

When you can't stand your early strife, then look into the fine things in life 

And maybe try a few

The bare necessities of life will come to you

They'll come to you

Look for the bare necessities, the simple bare necessities

Forget about your worries and your strife

I mean the bare necessities, that's why we kids can rest at ease

With just the bare necessities of life

Rose, how about you singing?

Rose and Charles Wallace: Look for the bare necessities, the simple bare necessities

Forget about your worries and your strife

I mean the bare necessities, that's why we kids can rest at ease

With just the bare necessities of life

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