The Accident

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"Ah!" I heard Tim scream from outside.

I ran out of our house as fast as I could. Tim was laying face down in the dirt beside the barn. Dark blood was pooling around his head.

"Tim!" I screamed when I saw him and ran even faster. I seemed to take forever before I got to him.

I grabbed his arm and shook it. "Tim! Wake up!" I screamed desperately.

I then turned him over on his back. That's when I knew. The way his head flop made my stomach churn. The fall had broken his neck.

I woke up with sweat pouring down my face. I had the same dream again. The dream about how I became a 24 year old widow.


I looked over at my clock and the date showed. It was the 24th of March. It had been exactly six months since Tim's death.

I exhaled and sat up. My stomach got in the way some, but I didn't mind. I had gotten pregnant three days before Tim died. I obviously didn't know that until a couple of weeks after his death. Now I was grateful I was going to have my little companion that was half of him and half of me.

Our baby kicked when I stood up. I placed my hands on my belly and cooed, "I love you." To our baby.

I walked over to the window and looked down into the busy city street. I loved Chicago in the morning. Hell, I loved Chicago all of the time. It was the place I always dreamed of moving to. After Tim's death, I decided I needed to move. I needed to leave our home and old life behind. I needed to start fresh for me and McKayla.

Our baby was a baby girl and I was going to name her McKayla.

I starred out the window at the busy street. I smiled as I watch a mom and her son walking hand in hand down the street.

I turned away from the window with a grin. I couldn't wait to be walking hand in hand with McKayla down the street.

I decided it needed to shower. I wanted to go out grocery shopping and applying to fire houses for a paramedic position. Even though I wasn't likely to get a position yet due to the pregnancy, but I figured it never hurt to get my name into places ahead of time.

I walked to the bathroom to start running the water for my shower. I had chose to live in a one bedroom apartment for now until McKayla got older and needed her own room. I wanted to save up money to buy a house myself instead of using the money from Tim's life insurance. Chicago was my fresh beginning. The only thing that money would be used for would be for McKayla's college fund.

I twisted the knobs in the shower. The water gushed out ice cold at first, but it slowly got warmer.

I sat on the edge of the tub, waiting for the water to warm up to my liking. When it did, I untied my silk robe and let it fall to the floor. I stepped in and let the warn water run over my body. I embraced the warmth and began to lather some shampoo in my hair.

My long dark hair cascaded to the middle of my back in natural spiral curls. My skin was a light tan, I probably had some italian in me. I giggled at my thoughts. I thought pizza sounded delicious right now because of them.

I guess pizza at 8am wasn't such a bad idea.

I chuckled and got out of the shower. I blow dried my hair, put on some makeup that highlighted my golden brown eyes and got dressed. Today, I decided to wear a pink shirt with white polka dots, black leggings and pink flats.

I walked out of the apartment to my car. As I was opening my door, my phone started to ring. I pulled it out and looked at the caller ID. It was my mom.

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