Chapter 11 [Juliana] Promise Not to Tell *

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Blaze was tightly holding onto my hand, some blood leaking onto my own. I was so confused and in shock that I found it really hard to breathe. I barely could even talk. We were running in the rain in silence, for maybe five minutes, until we came across this path leading into dark woods.

Finally I got the courage to speak. “Blaze,” I softly said, him letting go of my hand and continuing to walk forward. “Blaze?”

“What?” I heard him faintly whisper.

“Where are you going?” I asked louder, slowly following after him.

I saw him shake his head, and then we were surrounded by darkness, trees, and bushes. “Far away,” he told me.

I walked faster and eventually grabbed his hand, pulling him to a stop. “Stop,” I whispered, barely able to see his face because of how black everything around us was.

He shook his head and frowned, angry. “Stop?” he asked. “Why should I stop?”

“Why are you running into these woods?” I spoke up, hearing distant ambulance and police sirens sound.

“That's why,” he bleakly answered.

“Let's talk about this,” I said, him just turning around again and heading further into the woods.

“I don't want to,” he stated.

“Blaze,” I said, quickly chasing after him. “Please stop.”

“No,” he snapped, beginning to run as I ran after him.

“Please,” I shouted, begging him to let me in.

It was at least two minutes before we both stopped walking. “I can't talk about this shit,” he finally let out, slowly facing me again.

“Yes you can,” I carefully told him.

He shook his head and dropped his eyes to the ground. “No, I really can't. This sickens me.”

“What happened back there?” I suddenly asked him, but he stayed quiet. “Please just talk to me.”

“I can't,” he mumbled, walking away again, as I looked ahead of him and saw where he was heading.

There was a small shed, wood and old looking, with spray paint marked all over it. Blaze kept walking toward it until he reached the front, and kicked the door open, as it crashed against the inside wall. I jumped, startled, and suddenly he just disappeared into the total blackness. It was still pouring out, and as thunder sounded and a flash of lightning struck somewhere behind me, I darted forward and ran as fast as I could through the broken doorway.

I walked further inside after struggling against the violent wind to close the door, and then everything was perfectly silent. I held my breath and no longer felt high. I felt scared, terrified, actually. That's when my mind floated back to the memory of hearing the screaming of his father and him, and his mother's panicked yelling, which caused me to shiver.

I was shaking and cold, my dress damp, his shirt that was on top of it wet too, and my hair completely soaked. I could tell my makeup washed off of my face. I took of my heels and threw them to the side, stepping on something sharp as I noticed it was a small piece of glass. Thankfully it didn't cut me open.

“Blaze,” I swallowed, my tone frightened and sad.

“Yeah,” was all he said.

“Where are you?” I asked, hating how completely dark it was. I wished there was some light.

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