Chapter 49 [Jace] Seeing Her Pain *

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 This kid just won't give up. No matter what I say to him or threaten him with, the dude still doesn't understand who I am and what I do. Repping a well known gang that other crews know about is a really big deal. You got to keep your reputation as high as possible, so everyone else will know not to fuck with you.

So they'll respect what the hell your leader tells you to do. Not giving in to me will only make things way worse for him, because my mission would be failed if I don't get what I'm ordering for. That's why I carry this knife in my pocket, along with the gun.

"You just won't quit, will you?" I ask, completely stunned with this kid. He's maybe about seventeen, at the most. He clearly knows I'm being dead serious, and he still is tryna play Mr. Tough guy with me.

"No," he firmly states, staying put on the ground with his back against the cracked wall where my fist landed a few moments ago.

I smirk and narrow my eyes, wiping away the blood from my lips with my sleeve, that I got from his third attempt of trying to get away. "Come on, dude. I'm not fking around anymore."

"Go to hell man . . ." Is all he says before I shrug and pull out the gun. Then finally I realize something that makes me suspicious. He still has no emotion. Whenever I pull out a weapon, anyones face drops and Ican see their expression clearly. But this kid acts as if it's invisible.

I cock my head to the side and stare blankly at him, clueless as to why he's not begging for his goddamn life. "If you don't give me the money," I cautiously let out, making sure he hears every word I say. "Then I'm going to kill you."

And he does nothing. Stays completely still, and then nods. "I'm not giving it up. He owed me it, and that's that. I have to get food and pay my rent. I need it. Or I'll be on the streets," he slowly tells me.

"That's not my problem," I snap, getting sick of wasting time. When's it going to click with him that his life's on the line right now? "Now hand it over so I can leave, and you can live."

"No," he argues. I frown in return. "Nobody's gunna miss me anyways. I've been wanting to end this bullshit for the past few years. So, feel free, Jace. Do it."

"You know my name," I bleakly say, questioning it. "How?"

"I heard about you. You're the newest member of Brocks gang, right?" He tries to ask me. But I don't tell anyone when it comes to my personal life. "Live in that fresh apartment without paying for anything. Shooting people for stealing from Brock. Stabbing someone for looking at you the wrong way. Putting an end to somebody's life just because you're told to."

I hold my other hand up and stop him from saying anything further. "Shut the hell up," I bark, rubbing my aching jaw. "Just do what I say and make this easy for yourself. You think I wanna put a bullet in your head? You think I enjoy doing this shit?"

"Nobody's making you do it. It's all on you--"

"They have my back. You don't know me like that. You don't get it," I loudly rush out, deeply exhaling before aiming the point of my gun at him. "Don't test me."

"Like I said," he slowly speaks, quickly standing up and stepping forward. "I don't care. Bet it'll be at least a week before someone comes knocking on my door, realizing I'm missing. Just do it. I dare you."

"Don't dare me," I warn him, hating that he's pushing me this far.

"My mom's dead. Dad's been gone since I was five. No siblings, dude, no girl. So end me. Please end this before I go crazy."

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