Chapter 21

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Here guruji successfully broke the spell and sid came out of the room with little hesitation and fear. He successfully came out.

Gu: we don't have time....she will come here anytime....get him to the temple as soon as possible....

Abhi nodded and held Sid's hand and trio went towards the main door. When they entered the living hall the lights in the hall started to flicker furiously.....guruji stopped them.

Gu: she is coming here....

The trio stood in the centre of the hall and all the lights started flicker more. Some of the flower vases fell down and broke as the wind was so furious....all the small lights in the hall started to burst and the glass of the huge dining table broke down.... Sid and abhi closed their ears and sid was purely terrified of the things happening around....

Suddenly everything stopped and there was an awkward silence prevailed. But the next minute there was huge sound coming from the door which was closed and the door started to stumble as there was huge knocks or some one bashed on the door furiously....

Gu: she is here.....

They looked at the door in tension and the door burst open with a loud thud and there was bright light all over....after some seconds the bright light dimmed and all saw at the door but she was not there....

The trio was looking at door curiously when sid felt something behind him and he slowly turned around to see and there she was.....

Sid's eyes widened seeing Avu standing behind them. Her eyes were fully black indicating she is fully possessed by jannats spirit. She started to float in air when a table came under her and it started to burn with fire.

Avu: come with me siddharth....all are so bad here....she said looking at him. Sid nodded in no looking at her in fear.She started to come towards him when Abhi interupted. She held him through his neck and threw him on the stairs.

Guruji tried to control her with help of his chanting. He held his rudraksha maalai to his head said something....she saw that looked at a sofa nearby and threw it towards him. Guruji stumbled and fell on it.

Abhi again tried to stop her but he couldn't even touch her as she threw him away just with a look of her.

Sid was standing in the middle watching everything in fear. She stepped towards him.

Abhi: siddharth run....go from here....

Sid looked at Abhi and ran towards the door. But the door closed and a huge table came between him and the door blocking him and the table started to push him towards her. Sid tried to stop the table but he was already half way through the hall and he turned to see Avu floating in air just before him.

Sid got scared looking at her.

Avu: don't u remember....that day u only asked me to why are u going away siddharth.....she asked in a low tone.

Avu: come with me siddharth....this world is so bad....we will go from here and live our life happily how u wanted back then....come with me please....she said stretching her hand towards him.

She kept on saying ' come with me' as like brainwashing him. Sid slowly got affected by her words and was giving his hand to her.

He was about to touch her hand when Abhi came and pushed him away and  Guruji came and threw the holy water on her continuously....she started to scream backing off as the water touch her skin.

She backed off screaming and her head started to bleed as the holy water was so bad for the spirits...

Sid: Avu....he said stepping towards her seeing her blood. Guruji held his hand and started to chant some mantras.

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