Chapter 20

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Abhi reached Mukoodal and met with guruji and explained him everything which happened before....

Gu: i know this will happen on the first day itself....

Abhi: now what to do guru ji...

Gu: first of all u have to understand what's actually happening with ur sister and about the powers of that spirit.

Abhi nodded at him and listened him.

Gu: that spirit is so intelligent and clever....she has correctly planned and possessed ur sisters body....she could have possessed anyone's body to have revenge....but she waited till ur sister comes and she possessed her.....

Abhi nodded his head.

Gu: and that she has selected ur sister for two is ur sister's soul is really weak compared to others...and the other one is......

Abhi: she can be with siddharth for life long if she gets succeeded....

Gu: yes....but for now both ur sister and her husband's life is in danger....we have to keep her away from him...

Abhi: i have told my family to do that work what should I do to save both of them from that spirit....

Gu: tomorrow is the last day and the main day for the function in the temple....that means that spirit will be destroyed tomorrow....all we have to do is not letting her to full fill her work....for that first we have to keep siddharth away from bring him here to the temple as she can't enter into the temple...

Abhi: why....

Gu: even the power of goddess is subsided now the positive energy around the temple will not allow the bad spirit to enter inside...not only this temple....she can't enter any of the bring siddhart here before the special Pooja starts....

Abhi: ok i will go now itself and bring him here.....

Gu: wait.... as for now her power will be enormous....u can't stop her alone....i will also come with u...i will try to stop her there itself and u bring him here before the sunrise....u know right....tomorrow is a very special day as solar eclipse is happening that at the same time of sunrise....that time she will be way more powerfull and after the solar eclipse finish the special Pooja will finish and they will make all the 8 goddess's idol from the surrounding 8 villages to take 'snan' in the river....that time only the goddess will recollect all their powers and all the bad powers and spirits will be sid has to be here that let's go....

Abhi: ok guruji...let's go....and both of them started towards the palace....

Here with Mahesh...

He was still lying there unconcious. Bantu and the others found him and took him to their Jeep and started to go the hospital....

In the palace.

Vai: we have to stop them or else we will lose both of them....

BM: yeah....what to do now....

Bhav: idea....let us all go together and ask sid to spend some time with us as its been long time....

Vai: he will agree to that....he is romancing with his wife there...i mean with the ghost...but he is thinking as his wife will he come leaving her....

Bhav: then let's sit and wait till they finish everything....

Vai: what no... Abhi said it should not happen....

Bhav: then we don't have choice...

VD: hey what Abhi said....he asked us to disturb them completely not allowing to do such things only na....Bhavin's idea is correct....he will not agree but we can disturb them with this idea....

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