Bella and Edward have a fight

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"Now stop right there, I'm far from normal and I'm sure not in the hell perfect." I walk over to the truck. "You think my life was so normal and I'm so normal and perfect." I turned around. She signed. Yes, you had it so much better than me. At least you didn't get picked on or beaten, even by your own family. I had nobody not even my own sister was there. So don't tell me your life wasn't normal. You were the most perfect person I knew in school.

"Oh that's where you got it so wrong." She signed. You were captain in sports you were in and then you had the most popular girl. She turned away. "I can't believe you just said that." She turned around with tears in her eyes. She signed. Sorry, it came out before I could even stop myself. But you get where I'm coming from. You had everything. I had nothing but scars, bruises, cuts is what I had. Hell even All I seen tonight is that I couldn't help myself. Yeah I could scream. But I couldn't speak and tell him to stop. God, You don't understand. No one does.

"But I understand more than you ever know Bella." She signed again. How could you? "How could you even ask me that. Of all people how. When I watched you all your life whether you know it or not I did and I couldn't do nothing to stop it from happening. You say I was normal and popular. But I sure in the hell didn't feel like it. So what I was captain in sports it never made a difference. I wanted to make a difference like you did. You seriously didn't think I didn't watch you that first year I volunteer at the state park. Guess what I did. Let me tell you a little secret Isabella Swan you want to know why I volunteer at the state park in the first place?" I asked her.

She signed. Why don't you tell me because I would really like to know besides you were good at everything. "That's it I wasn't. I volunteered because I wanted to get to know you. I think it was the best damn decision I made." I watched her hands go into fist. "Oh great now you're mad because I'm honest with you." I walked over to my truck and punched it.

"You either don't believe me or you're just too damn stubborn as always." I ended up blowing up on her. "DAMN IT BELLA, I EVEN WATCH YOU MORE THAN ONCE TRY AND END YOUR LIFE. GOD IT KILLED ME INSIDE TO WATCH YOU SUFFER LIKE THAT!" She threw something to get my attention. I turned around and she started to sign.

I'm mad, at myself. Because I still have those thoughts, that I want to end it all. I'm sorry, it got worse even after you were gone. I just kept it to myself. Because I can't stand everything or everything happening. I can not really talk about it, because I can't speak and that hurts me to. So I think about it all the time. I try so hard to hold myself together but it so hard. I place my head against the truck. "Do you even know how I battle with myself everyday just hoping you make it thru a day without something happening to you." I hit the truck again with both my fist this time. "I went through hell while I was gone knowing I wasn't here for you. Not even when you had a nightmare. Not knowing if I was going to get a phone call that you hurt yourself." I turned back around.

I noticed she ran away stumbling a little but she was heading in the direction of the steep drop off. "Bella where the hell you think your going?" She didn't stop or nothing. "BELLA, NO STOP!" I yelled out. She disappeared into the dark. I ran after her. When I got to her, she was standing at the very edge of the drop off.

"DON'T YOU DARE! PLEASE DON'T!" I told her. She turned around and looked at me with tears falling. Then she started to sign. Why! Because I just want to stop hurting, I want to stop seeing the scenes I see in my head, I don't have to have the nightmares. I don't want people to hurt me no more. I want it to go away, to stop.

She turned back around. "Don't do this Bella!" My heart was racing. I didn't know what to do. All I knew is I didn't want to lose her. "I beg of you please don't!" Tears started to fall from my eyes. "Look at me Bella please!" She turned back around, but stay close to the edge. She signed to me.

Give me a reason not to jump, because I sure don't want to feel like this no more. She turned back around. I ran my hands through the back of my hair. "Because, I can't bare to be without you. You're everything to me. I came back early because I couldn't stand to be without you anymore. I'm nothing without you. God Bella I love you, please don't do this to me."

I do not own all my characters in my story Stephanie Meyer does.

I own the rest of the characters and the story

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