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Harry and I haven't talked about the fight in the car since it happened, and it's not awkward or anything. I still hang out with Stan especially since him and Niall became really close. Harry doesn't really tag along anymore, which kind of upsets me, but it's fine. 

Tomorrow is Harry's birthday and I'm already planning it. I'll be at his house at 10 am so we can spend all day together. We'll go out for lunch at this cozy diner, then back home for a bit. around 4 we're going to see a movie, then after that we'll have supper. Then we'll go to the club and party a bit. I also got him a gift that I think he'll really like.


Harry has been acting weird since I got here. I don't want to start a fight because it's his birthday, but his attitude is kind of annoying me. He keeps doing short responses and he's been smiling at his phone a lot. We're sitting at the diner, and it's kind of awkward because he keeps texting someone and I'm just sitting there staring at him. 

"Who are you talking to?" I ask trying to break the silence. 

"Oh, it's one of my employees. Sorry, I know I've been on my phone a lot," he tucks his phone away in his pocket. 

"It's okay, but you don't have to worry about work on your birthday."

"I know, it's just there's a lot of paperwork and issues going on right now, but don't worry about it. What are you going to order?"

"Mm, probably chicken strips and fries."


"What's wrong with that?" I ask politely. 

"Well, don't you think a salad would be better?" I feel a pit in my stomach when he asks that. Am I getting fat or something?

"Yeah, their fruit salad is good I'll get that." I put the menu down and take a small sigh when Harry gets a notification and pulls out his phone. I look down at my body. I guess my thighs are really big, and my stomach sticks out.

"Would you two like anything to drink?" A really pretty waitress asks. Harry probably also thinks she's really pretty. 

"I'll have a lemonade," Harry looks up from his phone and smiles. 

"Alright and you?" The waitress smiles at me.

"I'll just have water," I smile back as she writes our drinks down. 

"Alright, I'll be out with those in a bit." Harry goes right back to texting someone, and I'm starting to get pissed off. I open my mouth to say something but close it remembering it's his birthday. A couple minutes the waitress comes back out with our drinks. "Are you ready to order?"

"Yeah, I'll have a barbecue wing basket," Harry looks up from his phone. 

"Okay," the waitress writes it down then looks at me. 

"Um, fruit salad," I respond. 

"Okay, coming right up!" She walks away and I can see Harry checking her out. I pretend I didn't see when he looks back over. I can't blame him, she's beautiful and I'm not really an amazing sight to look at. 

"So, what movie did you say we were seeing?" I ask Harry hoping to start a conversation. 


"Isn't that horror?!" 

"Oh, yeah sorry." One thing about me is I HATE anything horror. 

"It's okay, it's your birthday." We talk for a couple more minutes, but it seems like he's forcing himself to talk. He keeps looking in other directions, never directly at me. I'm the one who keeps carrying the conversation. 

Dangerous Love ~ Larry Stylinson BDSM AUWhere stories live. Discover now