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I lay there naked and not able to move. I'm forcing myself to stay awake just in case he comes back. 

I hate the world so much. I mean I'm not perfect, but what did I do to deserve this? Deserve any of this? I didn't deserve to be kicked out at 16. I didn't deserve to love a serial killer. I didn't deserve to have an abortion. I didn't deserve to be thrown around like a rag doll by men. 

I can't let tears fall anymore. I want Harry here. I want to cuddle him and kiss him, but instead he's downstairs probably finding someone new. "Harry," I whimper out before finally closing my eyes and falling asleep.

Harry's POV

"Where the hell is he," I have Michael pinned up against a wall.

"Look bro, I have no clue," he responds with fear in his eyes. 

"Liar." I grab his chin and force him to look at me. "I'll snap your neck right here right now, where is he!" I shout.

"Upstairs, second bedroom to the right." I throw him to the ground and run past the people shoving them. I go up the stairs ignoring the couple making out on the staircase. I open the door and see him asleep on the bed naked with tear stains on his face. 


"Louis," I walk over to him. "Louis you have to wake up." I shake him a bit, but he won't wake up. That asshole probably drugged him. I grab his jeans and put them on. I take off my sweatshirt and slip it onto his body. 

"What the fuck," I hear an Irish accent say from the doorway. 

"Look, Niall, it was Michael," I say worried he thought I did this. 

"Are you fucking serious Harry?! How could you do this!" 

"It wasn't me you bitch! God you're so annoying how the hell can Liam put up with you?!"

"You're such an asshole Harry." 

"You're the one accusing me of shit I didn't do!"

"Whatever, move." Niall goes over to Louis and tries shaking him like I did, but he won't wake up. Niall starts looking like he's panicking. "Did you kill him?!" I look at him shocked with how stupid he is. 

"Are you seriously that dumb? No, I did not kill Louis. He was drugged by Michael." 

"Shut up and help me wake him up!" I roll my eyes and sigh. I throw Louis off the bed. "Harry!"

"You wanted me to help."

"Owww," we both hear Louis say. 

"Sorry Lou, you weren't waking up," I lean over the bed to look at him. He starts crying and Niall and I look at each other not knowing what to do. "Harry." Louis makes grabby hands towards me, so I pick up and sit him on my lap. 

"I'll let you two alone, can you bring him to mine or yours?" Niall asks. 

"Yeah, bye Niall," I say as Niall closes the door. Louis is crying into my neck. "Sh, baby, it's okay." He's choking on his sobs, and I'm worried he won't be able to breath, so I pull his head away from my neck allowing him some air. 

"Harry I-"

"Don't talk Lou, just calm down." He lets out a couple sniffles before breathing deeply and putting his head back on my neck. I sit there and ponder what to do or say, but I can't. I don't fully know what happened, but I think I do, and I seriously did the same thing to him. "Wanna go back to Niall's?"

"No, yours."

"Okay sweetheart, let's go."


I wake up in Harry's bed, and hope the last 8 months was a dream, but it wasn't. I realize that when I see the bruises on my hips and still slightly dizzy. I can't remember anything it all happened in a flash. I can see his face as he climbed on top of me. I can feel his fingers still tracing my skin.  

I realize Harry isn't by me and panic. I go downstairs and find Niall and Liam sitting with him in the kitchen. That's when I realize I'm not presentable at all, I have panties and Harry's sweatshirt on. I run back upstairs and try looking for something in Harry's closet. Thankfully I left a pair of shorts here, so I slip those on. I just keep Harry's sweatshirt on because there's nothing else. 

I hear them all laughing when I'm on the stairs, but when I enter the energy quickly diminishes. I look around confused when I finally speak up, "Good morning?"

"Uh, morning," Liam awkwardly says. We all just sit there in silence for a moment before Liam continues. "I'm sorry about Michael, I promise I won't be friends with him anymore. I can't bel-"

"Liam it's fine, I really don't want to talk about it," I interrupt him.  

"Alright, who wants tea?" Harry asks. 

Dangerous Love ~ Larry Stylinson BDSM AUWhere stories live. Discover now