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I wake up and hear crying next to me. It's been about 4 days since Louis' abortion, and I can tell it's still hurting him. I grab him by the waist and start playing with his hair. I love his hair, the way it falls perfectly and is soft and messy but so pretty. 

"It's okay Lou, I'm here," I try to calm him down. "I love you so much. I know love is just a word, but I seriously would do anything for you Louis. You are my favorite person; I think I would be dead if I never met you. You aren't a bad person; you have a heart of gold."

He stops crying and now just lets out little sniffles here and there. I smile to myself that I was able to calm him down, and honestly everything I said was true. 


"Want to have an indoor date night?" I ask Louis while making breakfast. Most weekends I go out, but Louis is hurting, and I would rather be here right now. 

"Are you not going out?" He asks confused. 

"Nah, I would rather be with you," I set a bowl of homemade yogurt and milk by him, the doctors still want him eating low fat, and kiss him on the forehead. 

"Yeah, that sounds good."


Louis is out on a run, and I'm honestly terrified of our date. Maybe it's because it's the first one where our relationship isn't one sided. I call Louis and tell him I'll be at the store, so I won't be here when he comes home and showers. I hang up and go to the car. 

When I get to the store it's kind of busy because it's a Friday night, but I go over to where they keep their pops and juices. I have to kind of think of what to get because of Louis' special diet, but I think it'll be okay if he cheats a little. If anything, he made it sound like doctors more suggested it than required it. I still respect it though, because he wants to do it. 

I grab a case of dr pepper and one of grape propel, Louis has an obsession with it. I get some veggie straws, another thing Louis is obsessed with, chocolate, and mint chocolate ice cream. I go up to the counter to pay when I see some fake flowers. I laugh and grab one deciding to give it to Louis. I finally pay and go home. 


When I get home, I hear Louis in the shower. I set the stuff down on the counter and go upstairs to change into some sweatpants wanting to get out of my jeans. I also take off my sweatshirt and put on a white t-shirt. 

Louis walks in with just a towel wrapped around him. "Um, could you leave?" No matter how many times I've seen him naked he still gets shy, I think it's kind of cute. 

"Yeah, don't be too long!" 

I go down the steps and grab some blankets from our closet. I lay some pillows on the couch and grab a propel for Louis and a dr pepper for me. 

Louis' POV

He's been perfect I swear. Staying with me and giving me attention all week just like he told me he would. This is better than our so-called honeymoon phase. I can hear him downstairs throwing things around in the living room. I laugh and put on Harry's light purple sweatshirt with under armor shorts. 

I go down and see him lying on the couch turning some music on. "I ordered pizza for us."

"Harry, I can't eat that."

"Louis, it'll be fine. Plus, I got stuffed crust."

"That makes it even worse Harry," I laugh and sit down next to him. He grabs me so instead I'm on his lap facing him. 

"You'll be fine, I promise," he smiles at me. My hearts thumping in my chest like a middle schooler when they see their crush in the hallway. 


We were watching a movie when Harry's phone suddenly rings. I look at the contact's name to see Celene with a heart. I watch him pick it up and sigh looking at it. 

"I'm going into the other room, I'll be back in a bit," Harry smiles at me before standing up. 

I wonder who this Celene is, she was the girl yelling at Harry at the club. I think she's a crazy ex. I hear Harry shouting, so it's obviously not good. But why did she have a heart by her name then?

"Celene, it's over, let it go."

"God you're such an annoying whore, can you just stop bothering me." 

"K, bye." 

Harry comes out of the room not looking so happy. 

"I have to go," he says picking up his coat and the car keys. 

"Where?" I ask. 

"None of your business. Clean this up," he waves his hand signaling to the living room. 

"Okay, have fun."

He slams the door and 30 seconds later I hear the car driving away. I try not to cry as I pick the blankets up. I'm so overly sensitive, I mean it could be anything. What if someone died? Or she's in trouble? I need to stop being so selfish. 

Dangerous Love ~ Larry Stylinson BDSM AUWhere stories live. Discover now