Ch. 22

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Here's a little better description of Venna. She's got these beautiful blue eyes. And her hair is black. Its always straightened. And her smile is flawless. I'd be lying if I said I didn't have a crush on her at one point.

Her personality is one that is extremely hard to come by. She's a fangirl. Most boys can't handle them. But there are those who can. I hope Travie's one of those ones who adores fangirl's behavior. Finds it absolutely adorable, and loves it when she fangirls over him. You can tell Travie's gonna make it big. He looks like one of those people.

Travie passed a note to Venna in the middle of class. And that's where it started. They passed notes that whole period.

When class ended, Travie said something to Venna before walking over to Ray. "Hey, dude... My name's Travie."

By that point, the rest of the guys and Hayley had filed around them.

"Nice to meet you, Travie... I'm Ray. These are my friends, Patrick, Frank, Ryan, Brendon, Dallon, Gerard, Hayley, and Spencer."

"Sup, guys!" Travie smiled at us. "So guessing by what that jerk said, you guys are the 'emo freaks?'"

The guys and I laughed. "You can say that..." Brendon said.

"How about her?" Travie pointed to Venna who was walking towards the door, plugging her ear buds in, and putting them in.

Gerard shrugged. "She's more like a fangirl..."

"The emo fangirl..." Hayley said.

"How'd you know?" I asked.

"Not all my friends are guys. Venna is a really sweet girl. She's just got issues..." Hayley shrugged.

"Oh, Hey... you guys wanna go out for ice cream after school? My treat." Brendon said.

We all agreed, then turned to Travie.

"Oh... uh... hehe... um. You're inviting me as well?" He asked.

"Well, yeah... why not?" Brendon asked.

"I don't know... sure, I guess... I'd love to..." he smiled at us.

"Great!" Brendon clapped his hands.

"Patrick, can I have a word with you?" Pete asked.

The others looked at me and smirked.

I rolled my eyes and told them to get out. Once they left, I shut the door and walked over to Pete. "What's up?" I asked, slipping my hands into his pockets.

He pushed me away with a stern look. "Patrick, I'm not showing favoritism." He said.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"You're failing English. What do you do when you're not over at my house doing your homework?"

"What do you mean?"

"You haven't turned in the last three story questions, and your test grades are dropping." He said.


"How? The tests are based on the story questions, Trick... that's how."

"Okay..." I shrugged. "S'not like you're my permanent teacher... why do you care?"

"A... you're my boyfriend and I love you. I want you to pass highschool and graduate... B... I kinda am your permanent teacher. I'm starting to get paychecks and the principal talked to me about becoming a full time teacher." He said.

"Oh my God..." I smiled. "You're kidding!"

"No." He smiled back.

"This is so great! Congrats, baby!" I said.

A Lesson Taught In The Worst Kind Of Way (Peterick)Where stories live. Discover now