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The movie ended up unfolding just as Zeke had predicted.

The male lead's old lover returned.

"Now, you see. The true lover and the female lead will fight over the male lead." He said.

Which actually happened.

Even the ending ended up just as he had said.

The two leads found their happy ending at the sacrifice of his real lover, who turned out to be a spy from another mafia gang.

"So she was brought back to action for the sake of the two lead's bonding?"
I interpreted it according to Zeke's logic.

"Correct. Movies with this kind of plot always follow the same pattern. Kidnap. Abuse. Then suddenly love. And then the ex steps into the frame. Then the ex become the threshold for the main couple's happiness."

Ahh... I gasped in silence. I learnt something new today.

"You have a really good insight." At my sudden comment Zeke's lips curved mischievously.
That grin reminded me of a kitten's.

He was so tiny. Everytime I see him struggling with his feet I would have this urge to carry him around. But i knew despite how fragile he looked he was stronger than your average man.
He never gave up taking brisk walks no matter how painful it was for him. His spirit was that of a Wolf's.

A tiny savage wolf. This thought made me chuckle in silence.

"Next time don't bring a movie like that. That's just another way of wasting time." His comment brought me back from my inner thoughts.

"Hm. Should I check through some horror stuff?" I thought to myself.


As soon as I saw someone enter the room I felt a shape gaze directed towards me.

"Easter. Why are you here?" I heard Zeke address the woman who was staring daggers at me.

"......" I kept silent. Zeke's three friends didn't seem to like my presence. Because I had told them that I was a yakuza.

"What are you doing here? Are you two that close?" Her gaze fell cold on me.
"Zeke, are you sure it's safe to have this guy around?"

It was normal to meet people having such type of prejudices towards people like me. To some, we might be walking dangers to common folks.

"Oh don't worry. He is good. Since I was getting bored he was giving me some company." Zeke responded nonchalantly.

It really stood out. That part of him was so likeable. Even when we first met, although bothered by me being a yakuza he did not show contempt towards me.

"I can see something peeking through the plastic. Hurry and give it to me. I am hungry again."

"Here. I brought your fav rice cake."

They started talking. From their conversation I could sense that they were really close to each other.

Cough. Cough. I felt the need to excuse myself to give these two some privacy.

"See ya." Zeke waved at me. While Easter was still side eying me.

"Rest well." I left them for good.

Chad was waiting outside the gate.

"Sir, its time." He said.

And I knew. It was time for me to fly back to Japan to deal with some unfinished bussiness.

Hence I was going to be busy for a month.

By the time I return he will probably be discharged from this place.

"Let's go Chad."

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