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Everytime he was here he would bring me some delicious things. So I end up hoping for more every time William came.

I sighed inside. Only if I could have a glass of wine. Though I won't drink because it won't be good for my body as of now.


I started binge eating begining with my strawberry cake.

William took out the laptop he had brought with him. Placing at a suitable distance from my bed he sat down on the chair next to my bed.

The movie started.


This has become a regular routine from time to time. He would bring me some snacks and a movie to watch for the day. Though he didn't let me keep the laptop. William said that I should eat and sleep well for fast recovery.

"Now that I think about it, didn't you say that you don't like hospitals?" I asked him remembering how he refused to let me call the ambulance.

William moved his eyes from the screen.
"Well... As long as I am not the one receiving treatment, it doesn't effect me."

"Hm...." I hummed. There was probably more to that story but I wasn't interested.
This guy next to me was so tall that he was taller than me even in this sitting position. Not to mention the bed was higher than his chair.

We went back to watching the movie.

It was your typical mafia romance story between a young master and an average girl.
The plot and the characters were really typical. The main guy was your generic jerk. Well, as for the girl she was a brain-dead heroine. She was kidnapped by the male lead to fill in the role of his lover who went MIA. Faking as his lover they eventually developed feelings for each other even though the male lead was treating her like trash.
In the current scene, she was getting kidnapped by another gang. Probably by a rival gang worse than the male lead's.

"Ah..ah. Now the generic jerk will get to be her knight in shining armour." I clicked my tongue.
Why am I even watching this movie?

"What's a generic jerk?" That sudden comment made me realise that I had said it out.

William was waiting for my answer.

"A generic jerk is your typical male lead with lots of walking red flags. A generic jerk has to be handsome, cold, rich with lots of money. He must have a hot body, be toxic as fuck and be good at banging. Oh and of course he must have some childhood trauma that darkened him. And, yes, have a stamina of a horse's in bed."

"Is that so?" He pondered over it. "So a generic jerk is a trash in short."

I snorted at his reaction. But the movie was really bad. "By the way William."


"Who recommended this movie to you?" I asked staring at him, wide eyed.
It didn't look like something he would prefer. The earlier ones were quite good so I was sure this one wasn't his pick.

"......Well I heard some of my men talking about it. So i checked it out. And the reviews were good. So i thought we should give it a try."

But this was so bad.  I clicked my tongue. "I can predict what will happen next without even watching it." When I said this he raised his brow at me.
Then I pointed at the screen. "Look. That rival gang is actually a set up to make the male lead appear less trashy. They will probably do some really bad stuff to the female lead. Then the male lead will kill them all, most probably destroy the rival gang. When she is saved by him, he will appear less trashy than those guys even though he abused the female lead himself."

William thought over it.

When the next scene continued it turned out exactly how I thought it to be.

After a few more scenes I could tell the next stepping stone for the two leads love.

"Ah. Ah. His real lover is back."

William looked at me wide eyed. "How did you know that?"

Because that's how most brain dead plots work.

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