The Beginning

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Running, she was running through the forest. Away from the beast. She had seen what he had become, a predator, with the hunger for blood. Her heart was pounding and her breath got heavier. His scream echoed through the forest!

"Tatia! Tatia!"

She falled to the ground and everything went black

The sound of Rosabell's alarm clock woke her up. With her heart still pounding and her body shaking, she was relieved to see the familiar green walls of her room. She felt how the fear still pulsed through her body and wondered why the dream felt so real. She snapped out of her thoughts by the bedroom door opening.

In the doorway Aunt Jenna stood. "Morning Rosa. Time to go up if you don't want to be late for school." she said with a smile on her lips while leaving to wake the rest of the Gilbert house.

Rosa went straight to the bathroom and washed her face, trying to think of something else than that horrible nightmare. Ever since the accident she had started to get nightmares and it was always about the same thing, running away from "the beast".

When coming down to the kitchen Aunt Jenna was running around, trying her best to make breakfast. "Toast! I can make toast," she said with a somewhat forced smile.

"It's all about the coffee, Aunt Jenna." Elena said while walking past Rosa and towards the coffee maker. "Good morning sleepyhead. Coffee?"

"Yes please." Rosa answered while yawning. For the past few months Elena had locked herself up in her room, not wanting to talk to anyone. So seeing her older sister so energetic made Rosa smile.

"Is there coffee?" Jeremy asked while walking into the kitchen. Jeremy on the other hand had started to hang out with Vicki and her friends. You could often find him stoned in his room, if he even were home. Rosa's smile faded by the situation her twin had put himself in.

Jenna let out a nervous chuckle, "Your first day of school and I'm totally unprepared. Lunch money?"

"I'm good." Rosa answered while letting out a small laughter after seeing her aunt looking in every nook and cranny of her bag for some lunch money.

"Me too." Elena answered while she started to make her way to the front door. "Rosa, do you want a ride to school with me and Bonnie?"

"No, I'm taking the bike. But thanks anyway."

Rosabell had just arrived at school and parked her bike when a crow landed right in front of her. It felt like it was staring right through her soul and she felt a shiver through her body. She started to walk away and turned around to see that the bird was gone. A cold wind blew through her hair, and a faint whisper called her name.


Panic flared in Rosa's eyes and as she rushed through the school yard, into the safety of the crowded corridors. Her heart still pounded while she walked down the corridor to her locker. She could have sworn she had heard that voice before, but she couldn't put her finger on where. Rosa was lost in her thoughts and didn't even realize that Caroline was trying to get her attention. But then she felt how someone grabbed her arm and pulled her into the boys bathroom.

"Elena! What are you doing! You scared the shit out of me." Rosabell cried out and just then realized that her twin also was there, "Jeremy?"

"Rosa, it's the first day of school and our brother is already stoned!" Elena grabbed his face and pointed at his eyes. "See!"

Jeremy stood with his arms crossed and looked extremely annoyed by his sister's behavior. But Elena was absolutely right, he was stoned. And now he tried to get out of her grip. "No, I'm not! Let me go." He yelled and slapped away her hands. Elena looked a little hurt by their brother's behavior.

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