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It's been two weeks since I last saw Ezra. The first few days we were apart, he called me at least twice a day and constantly texted me, begging me to talk. But I asked him, again, for space and it seemed to get through his head because he hasn't contacted me since.

In the time I've spent without him, I've come to realize that I hate being without him. He makes my life a lot more interesting. I tried hanging out with Ashlynn in order to get my mind off him, but nothing seems to shake the thought of him off my mind.

Another thing I realized, is that I don't just care for him. I...I love him.

Holy shit.

I love him.

A smile forms on my lips. I'm in love with Ezra Romano. I feel relieved at the thought, like a weight lifted off my shoulders.

I'm still a bit frightened by what happened a few weeks ago. Although, if he was planning on killing me he's had many opportunities to do so.

I close my eyes and let my head rest against the back of the couch, but jump up by the squeal of my phone ringer. A part of me hopes it's him. I rush to the phone and see it's an unknown number. I pick it up and bring it to my ear.

"Thanks for calling Scott's taco vender and funeral home, where yesterday's grief is todays beef." I say, speaking before the scammer has time to.

"Delilah? What the fuck?" I recognize Matteo's voice from the other line.

"Oh! Matteo. What do you want?" I ask. Igor trots up to me and meows.

"You have to come to Ezra's dad's house." He explains. Confusion overcomes me.

"Why?" I ask, my eyebrows pulling together.

"For Ezra. He got into a car accident yesterday and he's been out ever since."

As soon as I hear it, worry fills me. My eyes widen and my breath hitches.

"Is- is he okay?" I ask, immediately grabbing my keys. I pet Igor's head and run out as fast as I can.

"He sustained a few injuries." He explains.

My heart sinks. If I was with him, I could've kept him home or something. Guilt consumes me and creates a void in the pit of my stomach.

"Is he alive?" I ask. Matteo chuckles.

"Yes, he's alive. Just unconscious." He explains. "I'll be waiting for you outside the mansion."

"Where the fuck is it?" I ask, anxiously. How am I magically supposed to remember the location of a place I've only been to once?

"I'll send you the address. See you in a bit." With that, he hangs up.

I run to my car and immediately start it and drive off, following the directions the map is giving me.

My fingers tap quickly against the steering wheel as I drive the speed limit. I can't afford a speeding ticket.

The mansion comes into view and I see Matteo standing outside, looking down at his phone. I pull in and park as quickly as I can, jumping out and rushing over to him. His head lifts to see me and a small smile spreads on his face.

"Stop smiling, you bitchbag." I growl, walking past him. I jog up the few steps and push the front door open. Matteo passes me, leading the way to where Ezra is staying.

"I don't know if you would care, but he's doing bad. Worse than he's ever been. He's barely eating or sleeping, he's short with everyone and he goes on killing sprees. He's being an idiot." Matteo says, his voice hushed. My eyes widen.

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