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By the time I'm finished explaining everything that happened, tears are balling out of my eyes and my face is drenched, Ezra's hand threading soothingly through my hair as we sit on his bed.

He had given me a change of his clothes and discarded the skimpy clothes I'd come home in.

"Do you remember where it was?" He asks.

"About twenty minutes down the main road." I answer.

"Names of anyone?"

"Well...the car I stole. It said "welcome Lorenzo" so it that counts then yes." I say, dragging my wrists over my eyes.

"Lorenzo..." He repeats to himself, zoning out into his thoughts.

It feels so good to be back. To be with him. He makes me feel like I'm enough and that I'm appreciated and he's one of the few people I've met to make me feel that way.

"Any other details that could help me find out who it was?" He asks, taking my hand in his and brushing the pad of his thumb softly over my skin.

I'm aware that Ezra needs answers, but right now I don't want to think about it.

I shake my head in disapproval. Until an idea comes to mind.

"Guns. They had guns." I say. I don't know if that could get him anywhere. "And expensive cars. And rugs that looked really similar to the one at your dad's mansion." I say. His eyes lightly squint when I mention the rugs.

"The rugs were similar?" He repeats. I nod.

"The setup of the place in general was a lot similar." I add. He nods.

He leans over and circles his arms around me, letting me bury my face in his neck, inhaling the scent of his cologne that I didn't know would be so comforting. I put my arms around him and relax into his embrace.

"Did you eat today? Did they feed you?" He asks. The wording of his question almost makes me sound like a dog. "Sorry, let me reword that. Did they let you have any food?" He says, as if he could read my mind.

"No." I shake my head and he pulls back, getting off the bed while taking my hand in his. As he drags me to the kitchen he turns around briefly and smiles. My stomach clenches and my cheeks heat up.

As we enter the living room, I feel something furry rub against my leg and a meow resounding through the room. I shriek and jump away.

I look down to see a familiar orange cat clawing at my feet.

"Igor!" I squeal, leaning down and swooping him up into my arms. I pepper his head with kisses and he purrs.

"Damn, I'm starting to get jealous now." Ezra jokes. I laugh.

"I felt bad leaving him alone at your apartment, so I used the extra set of keys to your apartment that you gave me and brought him here." He explains, scratching Igor's head, who purrs harder and leans up into his touch.

"Thank you." I say, smiling. I look back down at the cat but still feel Ezra's eyes on me.

"What?" I ask, meeting his gaze. He smiles softly.

"I missed you. I'm glad you're home." He says, walking behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist. He places his face beside mine and places a kiss to my cheek.

"I missed you too. A lot." I lean into his touch and he dips his head into my neck, placing a kiss there.

"We looked for you high and low, baby. There was only one place where we didn't look because they would've taken it as an attack, which would've gotten everyone killed." He says softly.

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