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"You see. I have a few ideas in mind..." He starts, as if the suspense would annoy me. It's the time he tells me what he's going to do, that I'm dreading to hear. I just want to go home and hug Ezra. And see Igor.

The man smirks up at me, expectantly.

"Have any guesses?" He asks.

"Free me. That should be on your list." I mutter, refusing to meet his eyes. The air around me is thick and cold, making me shiver.

He lets out an unamused chuckle.

"Wrong. I have a few different option to choose from. The first, would be using you as a sex slave. Not to pleasure you, but to get revenge on Ezra. You seem to be the only thing that actually makes him feel...emotions. Taking his life would be far too easy on him, it wouldn't make the revenge durable. But! If we take you, I get to watch him suffer! And it lasts for as long as he lives!" He chirps, smiling, extending his arms outwards excitedly.

How could he smile while speaking of something like that? He's insane. Absolutely psychotic.

And to use me as a sex slave?

My stomach twinges at the thought of it, hating it already. What gives him the right to do something like that to me, or to any woman out there?

My body is mine.

"You seem thrilled. Next option would be getting a hella load of money off you from trafficking. You seem fuckable enough, I'm sure some old perv would love to have you as his."

"I belong to nobody." I growl, the urge to kick him or fight him off somehow is absurd. How did it come down to this?

"Ah-ah. That's where you're wrong. You see, if I sell you...you're the property of whoever decided to pay the money." He says slowly, as if he were taking to a child.

"Ah-ah. That's where you're wrong. You simply get a shit ton of money from some old pervert to have me staying on their property as in inside their house. I wouldn't belong to him." I bite back. His eyebrows shoot up. For a second it's surprise, but it's soon masked with amusement.

"You seem to be informed. Good to know you'll be ecstatic to get to experience it in person, yeah?" He chirps. My throat closes up and I find myself struggling to breathe. I can't be sold. I can't. I can't let him.

"You seem thrilled about this one, too. My last option, would be keeping you imprisoned here until you're little boyfriend comes to 'be the hero'"He says, making air brackets. "And save the day." He finishes, unimpressed. "Then we lure him into our trap and BAM!" He claps his hands together suddenly, the sound ricocheting off the walls surrounding us. I flinch ever so slightly.

"We kill him." He cackles evilly.

"Whatever movie you think you're living in, I can assure you it's pathetic." I seethe.

"No, kitten, this is reality. You're the one that was living in a movie...where it's all sunshine, unicorns and lollipops." He scrunches his nose a bit. "This is the reality." He repeats.

"So! I will be the one to make this decision, but I won't tell you until later on. Have fun." He waves before disappearing into the darkness. I hear a door hinge open and then slammed shut. Then the creepy music stops and I'm left in utter silence...alone with my thoughts.

I can't even fathom the thought of being used as a slave...or being trafficked. It's unacceptable. I have to escape.

I look around the poorly illuminated space around me, looking for something to escape with, but nothing seems to be of use.

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