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Clutching onto the keys solidly, I slowly step out of the office.

This place could be enormous and I have no idea where to go. All I know is that the men went through the left hallway and from there they disappeared.

Curiosity gets the best of me and I head towards the hallway and follow it down until it reaches a staircase that spirals down. I peek over the rim and see different men in black suits rushing around like ants.

Guess I won't be going down there.

I turn back around and ponder on a possible way of escaping.

I can't risk heading through unknown hallways, but there aren't many other choices.

I look around until my eye catches on the window and, before I can formulate a second thought, I'm walking towards it and looking out.

My eyes wander over all of the expensive cars. They're mostly Lambo's or Bugatti's. Where did they get all the money to afford all of these?

An idea spikes my mind. Am I desperate enough to climb out the window? Yes.

I cautiously place my hands on the opening of the window, ready to open it. What if it triggers an alarm system? I take a deep breath and open the window in one swift movement, flinching at the expected alarm. But it never comes. It didn't trigger.

I let out a breathy sigh and hike my leg over the windowsill, not giving it a second thought since, if i did, I would back out like a coward and be stuck here as some man child's little whore.

We're currently on the second floor so if I fall it'll be a long way down and I'll probably break something.

With the keys in one hand and toss my other leg over. With that, In finally outside with my backside leaning on the window.

The freedom is so close I can almost taste it. It's so close yet so far, one wrong move and it'll be gone.

I press the unlock button on the set of keys in my hand and look around the parking lot until I spot a car who's blinkers are flickering.

My mouth drops at the selected car.

A Lamborghini Aventador. Of c oh rose I grabbed the keys to one of the most exotic and expensive cars in the whole parking lot.

It is what it is.

That being said, I start my climb down.

I don't even know how to work that thing. Is it any different than my car or Ezra's? I'm guessing it is, since it's reserved for only the richest. If I don't get caught and killed for trying to escape, I'll get killed trying to drive that damn car.

Suddenly my foot slips from beneath me and I go plummeting down the remaining five feet that were remaining of my climb. I hit the ground on my butt with a groan. I ignore the ache in my tailbone and stand up, brushing the dust off myself. I look around and see that there are no guards.

Before the man called the emergency meeting or whatever you call it, there were several guards littering the parking lot here. Now, to my advantage, they're gone.

I bolt towards the car and when I manage to reach it, I hear the booming voice of a man.

"THERE!" He shouts. My attention snaps towards him and I associate him to one of the bodyguards from earlier. He's standing at quite a distance but when the shock wears off he charges towards me followed my several other men. All of them hold guns.

I struggle to open the door but as soon as I do I throw myself into the car and slide the door shut.

'How the fuck do I start it!?" I think to myself. I sigh in relief as the car powers on.

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