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"I strongly disagree." He grumbles, as we walk up the steps to my apartment. He decided that he'd come over tonight to meet Igor.

"I strongly don't give a flying fuck." I say back. "Pink nails would look good on you." I repeat. He looks down at me with a glare.

"It would match your personality." I add. He groans and throws a punch to my shoulder. Just to be dramatic, I fall down onto the steps and pretend to be dead.

"Playing possum, are we?" He asks, going down a couple steps to lean over me.

"Get up, weirdo." He says. "Dogs probably shit here."

"Oh yeah, people bring their dogs into the stairwell to shit right outside my apartment."

"Wow, it's alive." He mutters, unimpressed. He extends a hand out and I take it as he lifts me up.

"If I died, what would you do?" I ask him, grabbing my keys as we approach my door.

"I'd go to your funeral." He responds.

"Boring. You have to be more specific. If you died, I'd get you black roses and put them on your casket." I say, unlocking the door. Igor usually sleeps on my bed, so I'm not surprised when he doesn't meet us at the door.

"Black roses? Those exist?" He asks.

"I don't know. I'll spray paint them." I lead him into my room where Igor is curled up into a tiny ball at the edge of my bed.

"Igor!" I squeal. His green eyes open and he stretches his pawns out, yawning.

I crouch down and scratch him on the head. Ezra crouches down next to me and lets Igor sniff him.

"He's cute." Ezra smiles, petting him.

"I got him at a fair. I also got a goldfish at a fair. I lost it." I say.

"You lost it??" He asks, confused.

"Yep. One day it was just missing. I have a feeling Igor had something to do with it." I say as Igor starts to purr, closing his eyes to enjoy the cuddles.

"I tried to adopt a squirrel, once." Ezra says. Outside, looms the starry sky. Another idea crosses my mind.

"How'd that go?" I chuckle.

"Ripped everything up and jumped out of my window as soon as it got the chance."

"Oh no!"

"It survived. My room was on the ground floor." He explains.

"Oh okay. I have to show you my favorite place...follow me." I lead him through my house after kissing Igor on the head and go straight to the terrace.

"And now I'm going to show you how I can backflip off the railing here-" I start, pointing at the edge of the terrace.

"Don't do that." He grabs the hood of my sweatshirt and pulls me away from the edge.

"Gotcha. If anyone is back flipping off that, it's you." I say, going to the ladder I installed on the side of the wall to access the roof.

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