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"I think it's awesome." I say, looking down at the small tattoo on my ankle. We got two chickens with cowboy hats holding guns up to each other. We went against the Peppa Pig idea because it makes much more sense to have a chicken holding a gun.

"It is." He chuckles, looking down at his.

"The party's tonight." I say. "You're suuuureee you can't go?" I squeak.

"Sorry, bellissima. No can do, I have an important business meeting. I don't do parties anyway." He responds. I nod understandingly. I won't force him, although I think it'd be a good thing for him to get out of his shell a bit. Just a tiny bit.

"But thanks for the invitation." A smirk crawls its way to his lips.

"Don't flatter yourself. I didn't invite you because I like you or anything." I scoff, rolling my eyes playfully. Spending so much time with him has gotten me used to being around him and to be honest, I don't mind it.

"Same reason we got matching tattoos yesterday, correct?" He teases.

"Correct." I nod. He chuckles and shakes his head. I go to walk away but he grabs under my arms and flings me onto the couch.

With a shriek, I fly through the air and hit the soft cushions.

"I didn't know I looked like a basketball." I mutter, jumping back up.

"Look in a mirror, principessa." He says, walking into his room nonchalantly.

"You're such a jerk!" I shout, followed by his bark of laughter. I hear him go into his room and an idea comes into my mind. I run down the hallway and see him standing over his bed. I run into him and our bodies collide as we both go flying down into the mattress of his bed.

"Karma." I say, getting up to get off of the bed. But my arm is yanked back and I fall on top of his chest with a thump. I groan at the aftershock from our bodies hitting each other again. My head is on his shoulder and my chest is on his, he chuckles but makes no effort to move away.

"Evil." I seethe. He hums and runs his fingers through my hair. I sigh and a small smile sits on my face.

No. I can't do this. It feels too...new. I don't know what I feel. I can't identify it. It's something that only happens when I'm with Ezra.

I sigh and lift myself off of him, keeping my hands on both sides of his head. I briefly look down into his grey eyes and Immediately regret it because I don't want to look away. He's the kind of guy you'd classify as eye candy, then you'd get to know his personality and find out he's a total crackhead. I'm kidding. Sort of.
The tension between us is like electrical waves and I think he feels it as well, because his eyes glance between mine and his chest heaves up and down rapidly. He swallows harshly and I find myself looking down at his lips. I can't stand the anticipation, so I let my hair fall onto him. He scrunches his face up and I laugh, getting off of him. I grab a pillow and toss it at him. He catches it before it gets him and glares at me from behind it.

"Oh, shit..." I mutter, bolting towards the hallway. I hear him jump off the bed and follow me. He's only inches away from me as he chases after me. His hand reaches to my shoulder and I do the first thing that comes to mind. I crouch into a small ball. He goes flying forwards but hunches into a ball and does a sort of summersault on the ground, landing on his feet with his back facing me.

"Parkour." I laugh, grabbing a cushion from the couch and using it as a sort of defense. He reaches out and grabs one himself, before swinging it and colliding it against the side of my body. I instantly react to his blow and slam my cushion into his torso. As he regains himself, I slam it into his other side. He chuckles before ripping the cushion from my hands. My eyes go wide and he smirks.

"Well, well, look how the tables have turned." He mutters, taking slow steps towards me.

"We can discuss things like normal humans-"

"That's not what you were thinking ten seconds ago when you were beating the shit out of me with a pillow, or was it?" He tilts his head to the side and narrows his eyes on me.

"On the contrary-" I'm interrupted by the pillow repeatedly slamming into my torso. It doesn't hurt, but I pretend to die, falling back onto the couch.

"Lilah?" He asks, his voice slightly concerned. I fight the smile trying to force itself to my lips. I should be getting ready, but I honestly would rather be hanging out with him. Teasing him, so me specific. Ew no, not that kind of tease. Make fun of him, yes.

"Delilah?" He asks again, dropping the pillow and hunching over me.

"Oh, my god. You're passed out. Well fucking hell..." I hear him start pacing around the room.

"I knew it..." He leans over me again "I shouldn't have beaten your ass with the pillow. I clearly won, though-"

"No you didn't." I grab him by his shoulders/neck and pull him down. Once he's about completely on top of me I hoist him over me with my feet and flip him onto his back. I sit up.

"I win." I smile, pulling a lock of his hair.

"I demand a rematch." He says as I get up. I brought the stuff I'm going to wear tonight, to his house. Just so I could easily change without having to go back home and stuff.

I grab my bag and help myself to his bathroom. I change into the white dress. It's top half is a corset while the bottom flares out into a fluffy skirt. I tie the corset until I like the feel of it hugging my body, then hook the angel wings around my arms, pull up the long white socks that reach about mid-thigh and place the headband, with a halo at the top of it, on my head. I fix my loose curls and sigh at the frizziness of them.

"You wrecked my hair, dickwad!" I shout, combing my fingers through my hair and hearing a laugh from the other room. I don't have a curling iron here so I can't do much. I burned my neck once with a curling iron and my friends all thought it was a hickey.

I tie off the top half of my hair into a ponytail and pull out strands on the side. Good enough.

I walk out, swinging my bad around my head.

"Watch out I'm a helicopter, bitch." I say, walking over to Ezra. He backs up a bit and doesn't hide the fact that he's checking me out.

"Wow." He breathes, a hint of surprise coloring his voice.

"What?" I ask, looking down at my outfit to see what's so surprising. Maybe it's the cleavage.

"Oh, wait. I can cover up-" I start, thinking of ways to cover myself.

"No." He cuts me off. "You look beautiful. And I know how to fight." He mutters the last part so I almost don't hear him. My cheeks heat up a bit.

The smirk on his lips tells me he caught me being flustered, and he opens his arms. I walk into them and feel warm in his embrace.

"Be safe, okay?" He asks, but it's not a question it's a demand, resting his cheek on the top of my head.

"Always am." I say.

"Good. If you need anything, call me." He tells me. I nod.

"Have fun." He adds, pulling away.

"I will." I smile. He smiles back and with that, I'm walking out of his door, texting Ashlyn.

word count: 1390

holaaaaa school ended today.
Stay safe<3

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