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"That one looks like an elephant." I say, pointing up at a cloud. We're laying next to each other on our backs. He has one hand behind his head and one over his torso, while I have both of my hands under my head.

"Oh yeah...it looks like you." He teases. I laugh.

"See that one? The one that looks like a rat? That's you." I tease back. This time we both laugh. Speaking of elephants, Dumbo is adorable. I love that movie.

"What's your favorite Disney character?" I ask. "Dumbo is my favorite." I add. We both sit up so that we're laying on our side with our face on our palms, facing each other.

"I like him too, but my favorite is probably Timone from the Lion King." He says softly.

"Oh! I loved the Lion King. I used to have a crush on grownup Simba." I chuckle. "Don't you think Nala would be a cute name for a dog or a cat?" I ask.

"I do. It's nice."

"Have you ever fainted? I have. I used to faint all of the time since I had really low iron." From losing liters worth of blood when I was on my period but he doesn't need to know that part.

"Low iron? My mom once cracked open a raw egg and I collapsed." He says softly.

"I once fainted because I got too drunk at a frat party." I crinkle my nose at the thought.

"Oh, my god. Frat parties." He groans.
"I know right! I despised everyone there except for my stupid boyfriend." I seethe the word boyfriend.

"What happened? He didn't treat you right?" He wonders, looking at me with curiosity in his eyes. I could stare into his eyes for days. They're truly mesmerizing even from far away.

"Well...he was really rushing things. Like he just wanted to go so quick with things, first it was just a kiss, then it was going to bed together, then it was bla bla bla and so on. And he used to try to kiss me all of the time even after I told him I wasn't comfortable with it." I glare at the picture of his ugly add face in my head.

"Isn't that basically sexual assault? Kissing without consent?" He asks.

"I guess so, but as a couple it's expected for them to be all over each other, right?"

"If one of them is uncomfortable, the other should respect their boundaries. Especially if he was going quickly with thing, he should've given you time or at least an option." He says.

I feel 10x better with Ez than I did back then with that prick. And I met Ezra yesterday.

"Thank you. So I broke up with him and he basically blamed me for everything, all the problems we had in our relationship, called me a fat bitch to my face and went around calling me a slut to his little frat bitch friends. But I guess it's normal-"

"No. It's not. And don't let anyone tell you it is. A boy calling an innocent girl a slut isn't acceptable. If anyone ever calls you that again, tell me and I'll deal with them. Okay, Bellissima?" He asks. I can't help the smile that forms on my lips and I nod.

"Good." He says.

"How was your first relationship?" I ask, laying down again. He does the same.

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