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The light shines through the open curtains, gently caressing my face as I stretch my arms above my head. I open my eyes and take a moment to appreciate the view of the beautiful city outside. I flutter my eyes, a smile finding its way to my face until realize I'm in Ezra's apartment.

I'm in his bed.

Oh Lord... I look around and realize that I'm laying atop of him, my body stretched sideways over his. I jump up, shaking the whole bed. He seems unfazed, sleeping through it all. He's peaceful when he sleeps, a light smile is on his pink lips, the usual crease between his eyebrows that he has when he's in public, unseen. He's beautiful, in a way. He's one of those people that, the more you spend time with, the more attractive he gets. His arm is positioned over his forehead, his palm facing upwards and his fingers slightly bent. His other arm is bent across his bare torso.

I've never seen him so...vulnerable.

What if I just shook him away right now and ruined the moment...no...

My eyes rake across all the patched up cuts, the tape a bit stained. In the sunlight, I'm able to see other faint marks and bruises across his torso. I look back up at his face and smile, seeing him so tranquil. I lean over and can't help myself from running my finger across the smooth flawless skin of his cheek. He leans into my touch and my stomach swarms with butterflies.

"Lilah?" He says, keeping his eyes closed. His morning voice is low and raspy, deeper than usual. I've never considered how nice his voice is, it's comparable to honey...if you will. It's the kind of voice who's sound is so easy to fall in love with.

"Hm?" I hum, gently running my thumb under his eye. The moment is ruined entirely when I realize I have work.

"Fuck." I curse, jumping out of bed. He's shaken by me and is ripped from any sleepy thoughts as I struggle to find my clothing. I find it folded neatly by his closet door. I run into his closet and rip all of his close from my body, replacing them with mine.

"Lilah?" He asked, still a bit confused.

"I have work!" I shout, running out. I run my fingers through my hair and decide that it's good enough. I tie it with the hair tie on my wrist.

"Shit..." he draws out, groaning.

I quickly get ready for work, and we're ready at the same time even though he took his time and I was going at lightning speed. That's right, Lightning McQueen you better watch out.

"Come on, come on, come on..." I usher him as he slowly grabs his keys and walks out. I push him out of the door and skip down the stairs two at a time.

"Come on, lazy ass!" I shout from the bottom of the stair well. He makes a sort of whine/groan in response and quickly catches up to me.

"I'll drive." I say. He hands me the keys and we're off.


Work was slow today, few people coming in an out. Towards the end of my shift, I hear the doorbell ring and turn around to see Ezra walking in. He sits down in the same seat he sat in last time he came here. Last time I almost killed him. Accidents happen.
I can't help the smile that finds its way to my lips.

"Can I interest you in a lemon milkshake?" I ask, leaning on the counter he's sitting at.

"What's your favorite flavor?" He asks, looking up at me.

"Hm...mango." I respond. It's either that or chocolate. Or maybe strawberry. It's hard to choose.

"Get me two of those, please." He says. I smile and make him two mango milkshakes. Maybe he's really hungry. I once had a customer walk in and ask for four milkshakes, all for them. They were awesome.

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