Chapter 41:

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You scrubbed your scalp gingerly, not wanting to scratch it and damage it. The water ran over the curves of your body, the soap trailing down with it. Your muscles relaxed in the hot, steaming water, alleviating any cramps or muscle sores you had. Everything felt okay.

What a naive feeling.

A sudden crash sounded from the outside, and your adrenaline spiked. You assumed it was Cleo, dropping some pans while cooking. After coming to that conclusion, you continued rinsing out the soap from your hair. The strands tangled around your fingers, and you accidentally pulled some out from rubbing it. You sighed and rinsed the hair from your fingers.

Another loud crash.

You stood on high alert. Something felt off. Not wrong, just off. You looked around the bathroom, making sure nothing had fallen or been misplaced. You saw that nothing was out of the ordinary, and you continued your shower.

Your shower finished quickly after, and you stepped out to take the hair dryer. You opened the door and stepped out. Cleo stood over the stove, a pot in her hand and a piece of mushroom in the other. You quirked a brow.

"Did you drop something?" You asked.

She nodded yes. "Yeah, I dropped this pan, like, twice." She giggled. "Sorry to scare you."

You nodded. "It's okay."

You made your way to the bedroom, where you towel dried your hair before plugging the hair dryer in and blow drying your hair. After it was done, you made your way to the kitchen.

Cleo had a bowl of soup sat out for you, and you took the spoon gratefully.

Before you could eat, a sudden thud sounded from Cleo's bedroom. You gave her a glance. She was pale in the face and her eyes were wide.

"What was that?" You whispered.

She shook her head. "Get behind me. Now."

You jumped up. "Why?"

She didn't respond and instead grabbed you by the wrist. She pulled you behind her, then she grabbed a knife.

Jax swung the door open, a gun in his hand and a bottle of liquor in the other. You lurched forwards, instinctively reaching for him as if he were your savior. Cleo held you back, not letting you go anywhere near Jax.

"Give me my fucking daughter." He spat.

Cleo shook her head. "I'll fucking kill you, dammit."

He laughed dryly. "No you won't."

"How much you wanna bet?" She asked.

The glare between Jax and Cleo was intense, the heaviness of it nearly drowning you. You stared at each for a second.

"Jax-" you began.

Cleo shushed you. "Let me handle it." She assured, tucking a piece of your hair behind your ear.

Before she could register, Jax shot a bullet into her arm. She stumbled back and squealed in pain.

"Come here, kid." He waved you forwards.

"N-No!" Cleo yelled. "Stay! Stay-Stay with me!"

You looked between the two, your gut turning. One wrong move and everyone was dead.

"I'll kill you!" Cleo reminded. "I'll ki-ll us both!"

You shuffled your feet. What should you do?


Choice 1: Run and hide
Choice 2: Go to Jax's side
Choice 3: Take Cleo's knife and stab her

Indecisive ((Yandere Cleo De Nile x F. Reader))Where stories live. Discover now